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African Studies Research Guide

African Studies Electronic Theses & Dissertations

What is OA?

Open Access (OA) means

you will not encounter barriers to accessing an item.


What is TA?

Toll Access (TA) means you will encounter barriers, such as:

- Registration

- Cost for searching

- Cost for downloading

Electronic Indexes (no full-text)

[OA]  Botswana History and Archaeology (MA Theses) (Univ. of Botswana)

[TA]  DATAD - Digital African Theses & Dissertations (Africa)

[OA]  Kenya Resources Database

[OA]  Namibian Register of Theses and Dissertations (Univ. of Namibia)

[TA]  Nexus - database of current and completed research in South Africa (to limit your search to this database, select it in the "Data Contributor" menu box in lower left; the database is listed under "South African Studies")

[OA]  Répetoires des thèses et mémoires (Bibliothèque Numérique Université Cheikh Anta DIOP/Digital Library, UCAD, Senegal)


International Full-Text Databases

[OA] Australasian Digital Theses (ADT) (Australia/New Zealand)

[OA] DART-Europe e-Theses Portal (Europe except France)

[OA] Memoire Online (Europe, francophone Africa, N./S. America, Asia)

[OA] NDLTD - Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (all regions)

[OA] OAIster (all regions) use "dissertation" in one of the search fields

[TA] ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (North America, Europe, select other regions)

[OA] TEL (thèses-en-ligne) (France)


African University Institutional Repositories


Other National and Regional Full-Text Databases

[OA] Digital library RERO DOC (Library Network of Western Switzerland)

[OA] DissOnline: Digitale Dissertationen im Internet (Germany)

[OA] Österreichische Dissertationsdatenbank (Austria)

[OA] DiVA Academic Archive On-Line (Sweden and other Scandinavian universities)

[OA] E-thesis (University of Helsinki, Finland)

[OA] NARCIS (Netherlands)

[OA] Ohiolink ETD Center (Ohio)

[OA] PASTEL - ParisTech service de theses en ligne (France)

[OA] Theses Canada (Canada)


Other Portals

OpenDOAR - List of African Institutional Repositories