Please Note: The list provided below is not comprehensive in scope, but is meant to indicate a representation of the audio materials related to Africa available at Indiana University. To find additional material in IUCAT, select the "Sound Recording Search" function to the right of the search boxes. You can search by title or producer of a particular work, or simply search by subject, e.g., "Africa."
Unless otherwise indicated, all audio materials may be found in Media Services, which is located in the Reference Reading Room, on the first floor of the East Tower in the Wells Library. Some materials are located in other campus libraries or archives:
Afrikanische Trommeln: West- und Zentralafrika (1 disc). ML1035 .M48 1997 [B-ATM, B-MUSIC]
Aicha Mint Chighaly: Griote de Mauritanie = Mauritanian Griote (1 disc). M1831.G75 C354 1997
Anyidoho, Kofi. Kofi Anyidoho Reading Poetry. 45 min. PR9379.9 .A5 A17 1980
The Arthur S. Alberts Collection: More Tribal, Folk, and Cafe Music of West Africa (1 disc). 98-355-C ATL [B-ATM]
Barrett, David. New Religious Movements in Africa or African Responses to Christianity. 54 min. BR1360 .B273 1969
Black People: Entertainers of African Descent in Europe and Germany (1 disc). ML3556 .L679 1997 [B-MUSIC]
Brandes, Edda. Die Im-zad-Musik der Kel-Ahaggar en Sud-Algerien (1 cassette). ML350 .B7 1989 [B-ATM, B-MUSIC]
Brenner, Klaus-Peter. Chipendani und Mbira: Musikinstrumente, nicht-begriffliche Mathematik und die Evolution der Harmonischen Progressionen in der Musik der Shona in Zimbabwe (2 discs). ML350 .B74 1997 [B-MUSIC]
Cameroun: Flutes des Monts Mandara (1 disc). M1838.C2518 C363 1996
Cameroun: Royaume Bamum: musiques du palais et des societees secretes (1 disc). ML350.5 .C363 1997
Chinyanja, Basic Course (15 cassettes). PL8593 .C485 1965
Dietz, Betty Warner. Musical Instruments of Africa (1 audiocassette). ML544 .D56 [B-EDUC, B-MUSIC]
Dolphyne, Florence Abena. A Comprehensive Course in Twi (Asante) for the non-Twi Learner (1 audiocassette). PL8751.2 .D65 1996
First Steps in Spoken Setswana (3 cassettes). PL8747.2 F572
Folk Tales of the Tribes of Africa, Eartha Kitt, narrator. 45 min. A312 [B-ATM]
Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Vol 1: Africa (1 disc). 98-001-C ATL [B-ATM]
Gira Amahoro (1 disc). M1838 .R9 G4
Haley, Alex. Roots in Africa. 40 min. E185.97 .H24 A35 1975
Houn-Noukoun: Tambours et Visages (2 discs). ML350 .D676 1996 [B-MUSIC]
Hughes, Langston, comp. Poems from Black Africa. 49 min. PL 8013 .E5 P645 1971
Igbo Basic Course (12 cassettes). PL8261.1 .I32 1990z
Indestructible African Beats (1 disc). ML3502.5 .I523 2005
Itan Awolowo: narrated (in Yoruba) by Opeyemi Fajemilehin (1 cassette). DT515.83.A96 I82 1999
Je Parle Bien Bamanan (2 cassettes). PL8049.B31 K66 1998 [RC STACKS
Kaba, Mamadi. Farafina Todi: Contes Africains de la Republique de Guinee (1 audiocassette) GR350.32.M33 M355 1998 [RC STACKS]
Kennedy, Edward vs M. Stanton Evans. Should the U.S. Support Majority Rule in South Africa? 14 min. E183.8 .S6 S56 1977
Kirundi, Basic Course (19 cassettes). PL8611 .K578 1965
Kongo (language) 5 cassettes. PL8402 .K664 1987
Mandela, Nelson. The Voice of Nelson Mandela: Extracts from Famous Speeches (Original Recordings) (1 disc). DT1974.M342 1999
Marabi Nights: Early South African Jazz and Vaudeville (1 cassette). ML3509 .S6 B3 1993 [B-MUSIC]
More, Basic Course (18 cassettes). PL8521 .L44 1996
Music of Golden Africa: Egbe Omo Nago. 34 min. A469 1960z [B-MUSIC]
Olookun: Owner of Rivers and Seas (1 cassette). BL2480 .Y6 M36 1996 [RC STACKS]
Parole d'ancetre Songhay: Mirage a Tombouctou: Mali (1 computer optical disc).GR351.92.S65 K4 1999 [RC STACKS]
Paton, Alan. Cry, the Beloved Country. 50 min. PR6031 .A8 C82 1979
Patten Lectures by J.M. Coetzee. "The Intellectual Origins of Apartheid: Emerging from Censorship" (1 cassette). AS36 .P355 1992-93 nos. 1-2
Roots of Hilife (1 cassette). M1670 .R668 1980z
Rotimi, Ola. When Criminals Turn Judges and The Death of Gordon of Khartoum (1 cassette). PR6068 .O843 W48 1991
Rugamba, Sipiriyani. La Chanson en Marche(1 cassette). M1838.R9 R798 1980z
Rugamba, Sipiriyani. Du Passe a l'avenir (1 cassette). M1838.R9 R833 1980z
Rugamba, Sipiriyani. La Joie de Chanter (1 cassette). M1838.R9 R843 1980z
Rugamba, Sipiriyani. Le Langage Universel (1 cassette). M1838.R9 R853 1980z
Rwanda: Chants de Cour a l'inanga et Chants Populaires (1 disc). M1838.R9 N735 1997
Seize the Dance!: BaAka Musical Life and the Ethnography of Performance (2 audio CDs). DT546.345.A35 K57 1998 [RC STACKS]
Snyder, Emile. Tradition and Modernism in African Literature. 44 min. PL8010 .S634 1970
South Africa. Truth and Reconciliation Commission. South Africa's Human Spirit: An Oral Memoir of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (6 discs). DT1974.2 .S68 2000 [RC STACKS]
Le Swahili sans Peine (4 cassettes). PL8701 .R33 1998 [RC STACKS]
Thomas, T. Ajayi. History of Juju Music (2 cassettes). ML3503 .N6 T4 1992 [B-MUSIC]
Turner, Darwin T. From Renaissance to Negritude to Black Art: Black Poetry of the 20th Century. 90 min. PS153 .N5 T935
Ward, Barbara E. The Rich Nations and the Poor Nations. 180 min. HC60 .W347 1961
Wole Soyinka Reads Yoruba Poetry with Okuta Percussion (1 disc). PR9387.9.S6 A17 1994