To locate a specific streaming video title, follow these three steps:
1) Search our library catalog.
Most of the library's streaming videos are described in the library catalog. If you don't find the video you need, continue to Steps 2 & 3.
2) Search Indiana University Bloomington Swank Motion Pictures catalog.
Swank Motion Pictures distributes streaming versions of movies from major motion picture studios to include some Disney titles.
The library catalog does not include descriptions of streaming videos supplied by Swank Motion Pictures, so we need to search their catalog separately. The library catalog will include descriptions of streaming videos supplied by Kanopy if the title is licensed for three or more concurrent years.
3) If necessary, search Indiana University Bloomington Kanopy catalog.
Kanopy distributes streaming versions of movies from major motion picture studios to include Criterion and other distributors.
Not all streaming videos can be licensed by educational institutions. Please consider the following guidelines/restrictions prior to submitting an online streaming request:
Several of our library’s streaming video databases (listed to your left) provide tools and training tutorials on how to create and use clips or segments of a video. For example:
See a complete list of our library’s streaming video databases at these tabs: Multi-Subject Video Databases and Subject-Specific Video Databases.
The IU Bloomington Libraries provides access to over 300,000 streaming videos from several different distributors. The list of multi & subject specific video databases are listed here to your left. CAS authorization is required.
American Library Association (ALA) Video and Copyright -- Fact Sheet 7. (may be available to authorized users only)
Center for the Study of Public Domain - for all topics in public domain.
Copyright -- developed by Indiana University Libraries.
Copyright & Licensing for Public Performance Rights -- developed by Media Services, IUBL.
Digital Copyright Slider -- developed by Michael Brewer & ALA Office for Information Technology Policy.
Documentary Filmmaker's Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use -- developed by Center for Social Media, American University.
Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Code Spinner -- Reproductions by Libraries or Archives for their Users, for Replacement or for Preservation.