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EndNote 21

EndNote at Indiana University - Bloomington

EndNoteX9 and journal titles

Endnote X9 (Win) does not import journal names properly (it adds them to the author field)

Reference Type: Journal Article
Record Number: 7666
Author: Steinholt, Yngvar B %J Popular Music and Society
Year: 2013
Title: Kitten Heresy: Lost Contexts of Pussy Riot's Punk Prayer
Volume: 36
Issue: 1
Pages: 120-124
Short Title: Kitten Heresy: Lost Contexts of Pussy Riot's Punk Prayer
ISSN: 0300-7766


Journal name imported as Author using ENW
You can replace the current EndNote Import filter with the one from our website.
Double-click on the downloaded file to open it.
Click the File menu in EndNote and select Save As.
Be sure to save it with same name then Click Save then Close the window.
You can now delete the file that was downloaded a copy has been added to EndNote.
You can now try to export again.


1. You can go to:
2. You will then have downloaded the file
3. Double click on the downloaded file
4. Go to the Save in Endnote and select Save As.
5. Save with the name of the original file (not as a copy or other name)
6. Click Save now that you have chosen the name and close the window
7. You can now delete the file you downloaded
8. Try importing now; it should work properly

If you have downloaded a number of records using the imperfect filter, you can try to update the references so that accurate information is in the proper fields

Select the references that you want to update
Go to: References, then choose: Find Reference Update
You will see a split screen: updated records and the old records
Use update all fields option (most often anyway)

Downloading and installing EndNote from IUware

To install EndNote:
Go to IUware Online
Search IUware for EndNote


Download EndNote X8  (Windows) from IUWare 

You will need to unzip the file
Create a folder and put the zipped file in it.
Right click on the zipped file and choose extract
You will have two files now.
Click on the install program and run it

Windows support   Zip and unzip files  

See installation above for more instructions on installing EndNotre


For the Mac

Right-click the ZIP file on your Mac, then chose “Open With” from the pop-up menu. Then click “Archive Utility” to unzip the file. You may see two files. One will be the install utility. Click on that to begin installation.

Mac band in Word and cannot use Cite While you Write

If you do not see the EndNote in the Mac band in Word and cannot use Cite While you Write,
Quit word
Go to EndNote X8
Go to Customizer
Check the box:  Cite while you write


Some notes on saving and backing up

EndNote Library Safety
EndNote libraries are made up of two parts: the .enl file and the .data folder. These two parts must be kept together, both are needed for the library to work correctly.

EndNote libraries should be kept on the computer's hard drive. Storing and editing libraries on a network drive can lead to corruption and performance issues.

If needed for sharing purposes, a copy of an EndNote library can be placed in a read-only folder on a network drive for multiple users to access. The original library should remain on the owner's computer.

EndNote libraries should never be stored in cloud-syncing folders such as DropBox, OneDrive, SugarSync, etc. Syncing folders corrupt EndNote libraries over time.

EndNote libraries cannot be stored in SharePoint.

References in EndNote libraries can be synchronized between desktop and laptop computers, an EndNote online library, and an iPad using EndNote Sync. EndNote Sync is the only suggested synchronization method for EndNote references.

Complete EndNote libraries can be shared with other EndNote X7, X8, or X9 users through EndNote Sync and Library Sharing.

Use the Compressed Library to save remotely, updating newer versions as you wish and retrieving it to the desktop if needed


Compressed Library
File --> Compressed Library --> Create --> With File Attachments --> All References in Library --> Next --> Name the File -->
Save (Save to selected location)

Mac, Safari, Firefox and Direct export to EndNote

There are known problems using Direct Export with Safari.  You try to export references directly and nothing seems to happen.
The easiest solution is to take the downloaded file and drag it into the EndNote icon in the dock.
The references will then appear in your EndNote library.
You may also change browsers and use Firefox.
With Firefox you will choose the EndNote application to handle the data.

If you minimize your library before you try to export from FireFox it will not get imported. You need to leave the library open and not minimized for it to directly import into the open library.