Creating a group
Under the Organize tab you will find Manage My Groups and Others' Groups
Use Manage my groups to create groups with New Group
You may also check items in All My References and use the drop down menu for "Add to group" ; choose an existing group or make a "New Group".
You may also select a number of References, then use "add to group" and "new group"
To share a group, check off the box and click on Manage Sharing, then Start sharing this group
Add email addresses of those with whom you wish to share the group
You may choose to allow Read only or Read & Write
When you allow Read and Write, members of the group may edit and add references to the group
Manage My Groups
You may create new groups with Manage My Groups. You may also allow sharing, giving access to the groups to others Others' Groups
Others may share their groups with you, and you can view and manage those groups from this tab
Find Duplicates
Click on Find Duplicates and EndNote Online will search your references and place a check mark next to duplicate entries. You may delete these entries, or examine them before deletion
Manage Attachments
Manage attachments allows you to see all the attachments to your references. You may delete them using this tab, or simply view them. You will also see your account usage
Attaching Files
If there is an attachment to a record in EndNote Online, the paper clip will be blue. If there is no attachment, the paper clip will be gray.
Attachments do not import directly into EndNote. Save the pdf or other file. Import the reference into EndNote Online. Click on the gray paperclip in the citation. Click on Attach files, browse to the file and upload.
You may upload multiple files into the attachment field. There is no limit on the number, but EndNote desktop is limited to 45. So if you wish to synchronize, keep the desktop limitation in mind.
You may view the attachments in your EndNote Online account, but if you have shared a group with another, they will not be able to view the attachments.
You may synchronize with the desktop with references that contain attachments which will then be available in both EndNote online and desktop.