My Reference is the main page for EndNote Online.
You will see a list of all the references you have collected
You may edit items by clicking on the title and making changes in any of the bibliographic fields
Save, then return to list
You may also delete items (which will go into the trash)
You can sort your references by author, year, title, source, times cited, added to library and last updated
You will also see My Groups
You can add references to groups by selecting a reference or references and using the drop down Add to Group
Quick search allows you to enter a keyword or phrase to find a reference in your list The icons beneath each item are: view group membership for this record; view file attachment; and view figure attachment
If the paperclip is gray, there is no attachment You may also use Manage Groups to create a new group)
If the paperclip is blue, there is an attachment
You may also see Go to Record which a link to the full text of the reference
All references in a group are also included in All My References and removing them from a group does not remove them from All My References. Unfiled items are also part of All My References, but they have not yet been assigned to a group.
The Two person icon, indicates that you have shared access to the group with others. If others have shared a group with you, that group will appear as well, under Others' Groups.