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BUS X170 How Business Works

What Info Where?

You can't buy tires at Taco Bell
and you can't get company financials from Mintel. Different kinds of business-related information are created, tracked and published by different organizations, which means they show up in different databases. Knowing what you're looking for helps you search in the right places.

What information, where?

Decorative image of bar chart and people icons


Decorative image of person with gears turning in their head

Market Research

Decorative image of a factory

Market Information

Decorative image of generic company logo



What is it? Data on …

age, race, ethnicity, education, income and religion of a population. behaviors, opinions and preferences of consumers performance and outlook of industries with regard to financial performance, competitors, and operating conditions financial performance, structure, initiatives, strengths and weaknesses of specific companies



Type of question answered by this information

  • How many people live in Indiana?
  • What is the racial makeup of Atlanta?
  • How many people in Bloomington are over 50 & have at least a bachelor’s degree?
  • What kind of branding works best for green products?
  • Who is most likely to buy healthier snacks?
  • What features are most important to car shoppers?
  • How much revenue do American breweries bring in?
  • How much money is spent on bottled water?
  • Will the market for electric cars grow or decline in the next 5 years?
  • How much revenue does Nike bring in annually?
  • What brands are owned by Unilever?
  • What are 3M’s most recent products?


Who creates/tracks/publishes this information?

US Census Bureau Researchers; some employed by market research firms, others working in academia in Business, Psychology or Economics departments. Industry analysts, Economists, Various US Government agencies, like the Bureau of Labor Statistics Business analysts, The Securities and Exchange Commission, The company itself, News sources



Which databases or websites have this kind of information?

United States Census Bureau logoSimply Analytics Database logoStats Indiana  Database logomore Mintel Database logoStatista Database logoBusiness Source Complete Database logomore IBISWorld Database logoPassport GMID Database logoUnited States Bureau of Labor Statistics logomore Marketline Advantage Database logoMergent Online Database logoPrivco Database logomore

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