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Russian poetry

This subject guide is designed to assist with discovery of scholarly information about Russian poetry. It introduces prominent databases and crucial reference resources, with its primary focus on English-language information.

Russian poetry resources

The following is a few existing LibGuides pertaining to Russian literature composed by peer institutions. The selective nature of this guide allowed an actual de visu examination of all the titles included in it, but at the same time it limited its scope largely to the collection of the Indiana University Libraries. Though the resources of the IUL are quite extensive, needless to say, it is far from exhaustive. This guide starts by pointing to a few existing LibGuides created by some other peer institutions. That way, its users will be more fully exposed to the broad range of resources pertinent to Russian poetry.

Poems and poets: A poetry-specific research guide of the New York University library.

Russian literature: Princeton University library's libguide covering Russian literature as a whole.

Russian and Slavonic language and literature: Oxford University's comprehensive research guide for Slavic language and literature.