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Map Collections

Herman B Wells Library Map Collections

Herman B Wells Map Collection

The Wells Library map collection at Indiana University Bloomington is the largest in the state of Indiana. We hold maps from nearly every country in the world, with particular strengths in Russia and Eastern Europe, the African Continent, and the state of Indiana. We are located on the 2nd floor of the East Tower in the Wells Library, and maps are available to view by appointment.

This guide will highlight some of our collections and try to answer some common question about maps. View the tabs on the left for information about specific map series. For more help, feel free to contact any time.

As the Map and Spatial Data Librarian, I am responsible for collecting, managing, and promoting the Herman B Wells Library Map Collection. You can learn more about me and my research on my libraries' profile page.

 I can help you...

  • Find a map! Our vast collection has something for everyone, but knowing where to look can be a challenge. Please email me for assistance or to set up a time to view the collection. 
  • Teach with maps. Print maps offer an engaging and rich primary source experience for students. I love teaching with the map collection, and am available for class visits as well as to design lectures, activities, and assignments using the map collection for your class. 
  • Acquire a mapUse this form to suggest a purchase of maps or spatial data for the library.

GIS at the Library

GIS stands for "Geographic Information System/Science" and refers to the practice of using map (spatial) data to investigate and understand the world. IU Libraries provides support for GIS research, including data sources, training workshops, and consultations. Find out more about GIS at the library on our GIS Research Guide.

Related Guides

Russian Military Topographic Maps

IU Libraries collection of captured Russian Military Topographic Maps mostly from the Soviet Red Army from 1880-1945 covering Eastern Europe

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial data

Resources for Geographic Information Systems and maps, including finding data and tutorials.

Census Maps

1940 and 1950 Census maps for the United States.

Sanborn Index at Wells Library

Locating digitized Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for Indiana

Serial Set Maps of Indiana

A list of maps in the US Serial Set depicting the state and territory of Indiana