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ORCID @ Indiana University

This guide is intended for faculty and student researchers. It contains information about the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) registry, including how to get, use, and connect your ORCID iD.

Simplify Annual Reporting in Digital Measures using ORCID

Indiana University's Digital Measures system is now integrated with ORCID!  Using the ORCiD Collect and Connect system, you can easily import your works into your annual report, simplifying the reporting process.

Connect your ORCiD to Digital Measures and Import Works

ORCiD is integrated with IUs Digital Measures reporting system.  Navigate to "Import Publications" page, select ORCID from the "Import from a Third Party" drop down menu in the right panel then click the Create or Connect your ORCID iD button.

Sign in or register, using an institutional IU account. If you previously registered for an ORCiD with a personal account you can add your IU email to your ORCiD account and then sign in using the institutional account.  Once signed in, the system will display a dialog box asking you to Authorize or Deny Indiana University access to your ORCiD Record.  Once you authorize Indiana University, Digital Measures will be able to search the ORCiD Repository for your work.

You will be taken back to Digital Measures, then you can use the Search ORCID button in the right panel to import your publications. 

Once you click on Search ORCID, this will display a listing of your work.  At the right top corner of each entry you can see the visibility settings.  Indiana University will have access to all works except those set to Only MeWhere a work contains a DOI - IU's Digital Measures system will search the source (e.g.CrossRef or Scopus) for additional metadata to obtain as much metadata as possible - other authors, editor, citations etc.  Some metadata like Impact Factor is not included.

You do not need to verify each entry individually. The system searches ORCiD as well as other repositories like CrossRef and Scopus which authenticates the information.

Here I have selected 3 of my 7 works - only those relevant to the current employment year at IU - for import.  Once you have selected your works for import, click the "Continue" button in the top right corner of the page, to proceed to "Review and Finish".

On the Import Publications: Review and Finish page, you can view the detail page for each publication and navigate through the publications ifi you wish to review them.  When complete click the Finish Import button in the top right corner of the page.


Your imported publications will now show up in Digital Measures under the Publications/Scholarship of Discovery section.