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ORCID @ Indiana University

This guide is intended for faculty and student researchers. It contains information about the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) registry, including how to get, use, and connect your ORCID iD.

What is an ORCID?

An ORCID iD is a persistent numeric identifier that is unique to you. Researcher names are neither unique nor static. Many researchers may have the same name, and your name may change over time with life events. Using ORCID connects you with a trusted record of your education and employment affiliation, grant funding, research, and work that you have contributed such as presentations or publications.

What is ORCID? on Vimeo.

Having an ORCiD helps you:

  • Make your work more discoverable by others as your ORCID profile effectively acts as an online CV
  • Distinguish yourself from other researchers with similar names
  • Protect your work from incorrect attribution
  • List grants, scholarship, peer review, and other projects all in the same easy-to-find place
  • Assert authorship over your work, no matter how your name appears in publication
  • Minimize data entry when submitting research for publication or applying for grants

Why should I get an ORCID iD

One significant advantage of ORCID is that it is not tied to a particular system, but is universal and can be used across many research information systems.  Increasingly, funders and publishers are requiring ORCiDs for submissions. Your ORCID iD stays with you for life, independent of name or institutional affiliation changes.  You own your ORCID iD, not your employer or publisher.

ORCID supports automatic linkages between you and your professional activities, ensuring that your work is recognized, and simplifying the process of updating your record of work. Some research information systems will automatically update your publications once you include your ORCID iD with your submission. You can connect with CrossRef, ImpactStory, Scopus, Publons, and others as trusted organizations in ORCID so that your ORCID profile will be automatically updated with information from these systems.


The National Institutes of Health and the UK’s Wellcome Trust were ORCID launch partners and you can connect your ORCID iD to your accounts with these institutions to automatically populate your profile in SciencV, or WT Grant Tracker.

Faculty can also use the data from their ORCID profiles to automatically populate Digital Measures.

Email for help setting up up your ORCID iD, or you can do this on your own by navigating to