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ORCID @ Indiana University

This guide is intended for faculty and student researchers. It contains information about the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) registry, including how to get, use, and connect your ORCID iD.

Set up your ORCID

ORCID iDs are quickly being adopted in academic and research outlets: many funders and publishers already require an ORCID iD on manuscript submissions or grant proposals, with more planning to move from accepting to requiring ORCID iDs in the near future. With 3 easy steps you can distinguish yourself as a researcher:

  1. Register! Registration takes 30 seconds. Verify your email account and you're ready to get started using ORCID. In addition to your IU email account, be sure to include a personal email for continuity of access.

  2. Add your work! Add your professional information, education, conference presentations, preprints, projects and data sets to your profile. Link to your other identifiers (Scopus, ResearcherID, LinkedIn). Connect with CrossRefDataCitePublons, and more! You can add publications by using the Search and Link Wizardimporting your citations, uploading citations as a BibTeX file, or entering them manually.

  3. Use it! Include your ORCID identifier when you submit to publishers or apply for grants, and in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work. Add it to your webpage, staff profile, and in your email signature,

Adapted from ORCID - Connecting Research and Researchers,