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HathiTrust makes the digitized collections of some of the nation’s great research libraries available for all. HathiTrust was initially conceived as a collaboration of the thirteen universities of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, the University of California system, and the University of Virginia to establish a repository for those universities to archive and share their digitized collections. HathiTrust will quickly expand to include additional partners and to provide those partners with an easy means to archive their digital content.
Blessed Are the Activists: Catholic Advocacy, Human Rights, and Genocide in Guatemala (eBook - also available in print)
Terrortimes, Terrorscapes: Continuities of Space, Time, and Memory in Twentieth-Century War and Genocide (eBook - also available in print)
The Resistance Network: The Armenian Genocide and Humanitarianism in Ottoman Syria, 1915-1918 (eBook)
Witnessing the Witness of War Crimes, Mass Murder, and Genocide: From the 1920s to the Present (eBook)
Blessed Are the Activists: Catholic Advocacy, Human Rights, and Genocide in Guatemala (eBook - also available in print)
Terrortimes, Terrorscapes: Continuities of Space, Time, and Memory in Twentieth-Century War and Genocide (eBook - also available in print)
The Resistance Network: The Armenian Genocide and Humanitarianism in Ottoman Syria, 1915-1918 (eBook)