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HIST W335 History of Genocide

Research guide for students in Professor Mark Roseman's History of Genocide course

About this guide

In a rush? Use the tabs below to quickly access recommended search tools and resources. 

Ready to dive deeper? Use the tabs on the left to explore and learn more about a wide variety of search tools and strategies to locate books and ebooks, background information, primary sources, and secondary sources. Finally, access helpful guidance on academic paper writing. 

If you have a question, use the buttons below my picture to get in touch or ask the library.

Quick start resources

If you are just starting a research project and need to know some basic information to get started, encyclopedias and historical dictionaries are great tools.

Most databases allow you click a box with a name like "scholarly articles," which does a reasonably good job of limiting your results to high-quality, academic articles.

Although IU has access to newspapers from around the world, most of our large collections of historical newspapers center on the United States. Check out the "Old News" link below for non-American newspapers.

Primary sources take many forms and you can find them in all sorts of places, both online and in person, but you need to make be sure the source is legitimate. The websites below are just a few places to find primary sources. Go to the sources for researching genocide page for more options or contact me if you need help.

Some recently published books & ebooks

Sites of Genocide (eBook)

Genocide: The Power and Problems of a Concept (eBook)

Virtual Holocaust Memory (eBook)

Blessed Are the Activists: Catholic Advocacy, Human Rights, and Genocide in Guatemala (eBook - also available in print)

Destroy Them Gradually: Displacement as Atrocity (eBook)

Terrortimes, Terrorscapes: Continuities of Space, Time, and Memory in Twentieth-Century War and Genocide (eBook - also available in print)

Genocide in Libya: Shar, a Hidden Colonial History (eBook)

The Resistance Network: The Armenian Genocide and Humanitarianism in Ottoman Syria, 1915-1918 (eBook)

Gender and Genocide in Cambodia: Surviving Khmer Rouge (eBook)

Witnessing the Witness of War Crimes, Mass Murder, and Genocide: From the 1920s to the Present (eBook)

The Roma and the Holocaust: The Romani Genocide under Nazism (eBook)

Voices from Srebrenica: Survivor Narratives of the Bosnian Genocide (eBook)

The Holocaust: An Unfinished History (Print)

Rain of Ash: Roma, Jews, and the Holocaust (eBook)

Holocaust Memory in the Digital Mediascape (eBook)