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Open Access Publishing Support

A guide to OA publishing options

OA Book Publishing Funding

Internal Funding may be available from the IU Bloomington Presidential Arts and Humanities Production Grant. The grant provides funding for performance costs (e.g. hiring performers, sound equipment, studio rental); exhibit costs (e.g. shipping, packing); fees for monographs and article production (open access and image fees); sound, film, and video editing/production; printing and design; and advertising.

Production Grants: IU Presidential Arts and Humanities Program

The Research Micro Grant is another potential internal funding source. The grant provides for provides funding for small research projects, research expenses, book publishing, and other research related items in support of faculty research and creative activities that are sustainable through external funding.

Research Micro Grant: IU Research

Researchers should also consider writing open access book publishing fees into any applications they make for grant funding, if the program allows.

IU Libraries Open Access Book Publishing

For inquiries about Open Access Book Publishing Support at IU Bloomington please contact -

Other Resources

ScholarLed is a consortium of five academic-led, not-for-profit, Open Access book publishers. ScholarLed comprises Mattering Pressmeson pressOpen Book PublishersAfrican, and punctum books. Many ScholarLed presses do not charge for publishing your book Open Acess.