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Open Access Publishing Support

A guide to OA publishing options

Royal Society of Chemistry Read & Publish Agreement

IU Bloomington Libraries have reached a three-year Publish and Read Agreement with the Royal Society of Chemistry. This agreement runs 1 January 2024 through December 31, 2026. Under this agreement, Indiana University Bloomington authors can publish open access at no charge.

Journal Access

The agreement includes full access to read the entire journal portfolio of the Royal Society of Chemistry.


Open Access Publishing Opportunities 

The deal covers all article types, and open access articles are published under a CC-BY or CC-BY-NC at no extra charge to you. It covers all RSC Gold, Hybrid, Flagship, and Diamond OA journals.  Please note that CC-BY is a very liberal license that allows wide re-use rights, including for commercial purposes, as long as the user gives attribution. Your article can be freely read by anyone, and also adapted, reused, included in anthologies, textbooks etc., including commercial publications. Publishers may also enrich your article by linking out to other related articles, even those you have not cited. Other than attribution, there are no additional restrictions. The Creative Commons License Chooser can help you determine which license is right for you.


Eligible dates

To qualify for no-cost OA publication, the article must be accepted between1 January 2024 and 31 December 2026 and have a responsible corresponding author from IU Bloomington.


What do I need to do to participate?

You must identify yourself as affiliated with Indiana University Bloomington and use your institutional email address as part of the publishing workflow. You must be the corresponding author for the article to be eligible.


What if I don't want to publish open access?

You can still publish your article, even if you do not wish to use this open access option. You can opt-out of the agreement if you wish. If you do not choose to publish open access you may deposit the peer reviewed manuscript in IUScholarWorks with a 12-month embargo.


Who can I contact if I have further questions?

You can contact the IU Bloomington Libraries Scholarly Communication folks at