Ukrainian-English Collocation Dictionary by Yuri I. Shevchuk. Hippocrene Books, 2021.
The Ukrainian-English Collocation Dictionary provides the core Ukrainian lexicon as it is used in contemporary speech and it will be useful to Ukrainian language learners of all levels (elementary, intermediate, advanced and superior). It includes:
Ukrainian-English/English-Ukrainian Phrasebook & Dictionary by Olesj Benyukh and Raisa Galushko. Hippocrene Books, 1993.
"This language guide prepares its reader with fifteen chapters of situational phrases suited to: traveling by rail, trolley, car or bus; coping with emergencies; Ukrainian shopping; exchanging currency; getting along at a hotel; ordering a meal, and other daily life adventures. Each Ukrainian phrase is accompanied by an English translation and phonetic pronunciation based on North American speech. For handy reference, included is a 3,000-word mini-dictionary listed in both English and Ukrainian."
Corpus of the Ukrainian language (Корпус української мови)
Universal (or national) unannotated and unsystematized corpus of the Ukrainian language. Contains 6.6 GB of Ukrainian-language texts from the Chtyvo electronic library.
Corpus of the Ukrainian language texts (Корпус текстів української мови)
This corpus, hosted on the linguistic portal, contains more than 100 million word usages. Developed in the Computer Linguistics Laboratory of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University.
General Regionally Annotated Corpus of Ukrainian (GRAC) (Генеральний регіонально анотований корпус української мови (ГРАК))
This is a large representative collection of texts in Ukrainian accompanied by a program that enables customization of subcorpora, searching words, grammatical forms and their combinations as well as post-processing of the query results.
Official website of Ukrainian language (Офіційний сайт української мови).
Here you can find modern and classical Ukrainian spelling rules, textbooks, video lessons, songs, and others. You can also ask a question about Ukrainian language and/or read through the most popular questions and answers.
The Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language in 20 Volumes, or SUM-20 (Словник української мови у 20 томах, або СУМ-20)
This is an academic explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language, publication of which was started in 2010 by the Naukova Dumka publishing house. Currently (2023) available online vol. 1--14 (А-ПРЕФЕРЕ́НЦІЯ).
Ukrainian Dictionaries Online (Словники України online):
contains lexicographic information about the words of the Ukrainian language (morphology, synonyms, phraseology).
A large collection of various scanned bilingual and monolingual language dictionaries from the electronic library "Ukrainica" (Електронна бібліотека "Україніка")
A variety of dictionaries at the Linguistic Portal (frequency, grammar, scientific terminology, comparisons, and others)