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IFS 2024-S104 Through the Looking Glass (Christiansen)

Citing Images

The basic information you will need:

  • Artist name
  • Title of the work
  • Date it was created
  • Repository, museum, or owner
  • City or Country of origin
  • Dimensions of the work
  • Material or medium such as oil on canvas, marble, found objects

If you found the image in a book you will need the author, title, publisher information, date, and page, figure or plate number of the reproduction.

If you found the image online you will need an access date, the web site address (URL) and in some cases an image ID number.

Citation Resources

No matter where your information comes from, you always need to cite your sources. The most frequently used citation formats - APA, MLA, and Chicago - have been compiled by the reference librarians on a webpage. These can be found by visiting the webpage Citing Sources

Most databases provide automatic citations for resources. If you find something you like, the option to cite is often located in the edges of the window. See the example below.

screenshot showing location of citation feature

When you locate the "cite" option, you just need to copy and paste from the relevant format

screenshot showing how to change citation format

NOTE: Citations generated by the databases are not always 100% correct. If a perfect citation is important to you, you will want to confirm the formatting against the guidelines for the relevant style linked on our Citing Sources webpage.