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IFS 2024-S104 Through the Looking Glass (Christiansen)

Why use Boolean operators?

Most library databases use Boolean operators (ANDOR, and NOT). 

Use them to narrow or broaden search results.

  • AND for records that include both terms (narrows search)
  • OR for records that include either term (broadens search)
  • NOT to exclude irrelevant concepts (narrows search)


Iran AND China AND (energy OR petroleum OR oil) 

Adapted from SAIS Library, Johns Hopkins Univ. "Database Search Tips" Guide

    Boolean Operators

    Using AND:

    • narrow results
    • ALL terms must be in each search result

    Note: in most, but not all, databases, the AND is implied. For example, Google automatically puts an AND in between search terms.

    Example:  renewable energy AND China

    Using OR:

    • connect similar concepts (synonyms)
    • broaden results (ANY of the terms can be in the search results.)

    Example:  renewable energy OR solar OR wind


    Using NOT:

    • exclude words from search
    • narrow the search

    Example:  peacekeeping NOT United Nations

    Adapted from SAIS Library, Johns Hopkins Univ. "Database Search Tips" Guide