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IFS 2021-S104 Through the Looking Glass (Christiansen)

Finding Images

Reverse Image Searching

The Basics:

Example Search with TinEye:

Here is an example of a search I did using TinEye. First I went to Google Images and did a search for, "The Lumineers". Below is a screenshot of the image that I chose. There are a few ways that you can import an image into TinEye. I chose to copy and paste this image into the search box of TinEye. If you have questions on how to important images into TinEye, please view the guide hyperlinked above.


Below is a screenshot of the search results I got when I copied the image into TinEye.


This is usually what the list of search results looks like when you use TinEye. However, it is important to remember that TinEye is not a perfect system and sometimes you may not get any search results when using TinEye. 

The Basics:

Open Google Images search on your computer screen. This is the screen you will want to have open when you do a reserve image search.

Example Search:

You can do a reserve image search by clicking the camera icon in the Google Images search box. See the screenshot below. 

Once you get to the above screen, click the camera icon. You will then be asked to drag an image into the search box or upload an image. See the screenshot below to know what this looks like.

I decided to use the same Lumineers band image and I dragged and dropped the image into the reserve search box. Below is a screenshot of the search results I got. When you do the Google Images search, you should get similar search results. If you are struggling using the reserve search, please don't hesitate to email me.