PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) indexes articles, books, studies, selected official documents and other resources on public policy issues, public administration, law, politics and government.
Includes journal articles, books, government documents, pamphlets and the reports of public and private bodies. Also indexes publications in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Print source: PAIS bulletin (1915-1990), PAIS Foreign Language Index (1968-1990), PAIS International in Print (1991-)
Provides access to unedited media, news and information from all official government sources, as well as comprehensive access to government communications.
Allows users to find official U.S. Federal Government documents, legislation, releases and social media updates from all three branches of the U.S. Federal Government, offices, officials and elected representatives. Data includes official news, media and information including press releases, transcripts, fact sheets, newsletters, bulletins, speeches, statements, Legislation, Congressional Documents, the Regulatory Documents and includes what U.S. Federal Government offices, officials and elected representatives say on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
A gateway to the international literature on the commons, common-pool resources and common property.
The Digital Library of the Commons (DLC) is a gateway to the international literature on the commons. This site contains an author-submission portal; an archive of full-text articles, papers, and dissertations; the Comprehensive Bibliography of the Commons; a Keyword Thesaurus, and links to relevant reference sources on the study of the commons. Research on commons usually focuses on some aspect of the relation between the physical resource and human institutions designed in the use and maintenance of that resource. Focus areas are diverse and multi-disciplinary, including: adaptive systems, efficiency, environmental policy, equity, experimental economics, free riding, game theory, gender, institutional design principles, new institutional economics, participatory management systems, property rights regimes, resilience, regulation, sustainability, etc.
The Digital National Security Archives contains over 110,000 declassified documents, an archival record of reports, memoranda, correspondence and papers concerning important public policy decisions in the area of foreign affairs and national security.
Provides a basic overview of important aspects of electronic and mobile commerce, and use of the Internet in Public Administration.
The Encyclopedia covers the field of e-technology and includes current concepts, trends, challenges, applications, and experiences in the field of e-commerce, e-government, and mobile commerce. Among the several hundred signed entries are Adaptive Virtual Reality Shopping Malls, Application Service Providers, Auto-Personalitzation WAP Portal, Auto-Personalization Web Pages, B2B E-Business, B2C Success at, Benchmarking Local E-Government, Big The Encyclopedia also contains descriptions of key issues, terms and concepts and references, figures and illustrations.
Tool intended to help researchers, faculty and students with their research projects. Users can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings.
Sage Research Methods focuses on methodology rather than disciplines. It can be used across the social sciences, health sciences, and other areas of research.
ProQuest Congressional provides indexing and full-text access to various publications of the U.S. Congress. It provides easy search access to congressional publications and includes full-text of reports, bills and resolutions, and laws.
Use Advanced Search to select specific series included:
-Congressional Research Digital Collection
-Congressional Hearings Digital Collection
-House and Senate Unpublished Digital Collection
-ProQuest Congressional Record Permanent Digital Collection
-ProQuest Congressional Serial Set Maps Digital Collection
-ProQuest Statutes at Large
-ProQuest U.S. Serial Set Digital Collection
-Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations
-U.S Bills and Resolutions
Most publications are owned by IUB, either in print, on microfiche or electronically. IUB has been a Federal Depository Library since 1881. For specific assistance or to ask questions about using congressional publications, contact Government Information, Maps and Microform Services, located on the 2nd floor of the Herman B Wells Library. Email or telephone 812-855-6924
Full text discussions of current, controversial public policy issues in a variety of areas.
Articles include an overview, historical background, chronology, pro/con feature, plus resources for additional research. Graphics, photos and short "sidebar" features round out the reports. Shorter "Hot Topics" articles provide a solid introduction to subjects most in demand by students.
A comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs, offering fulltext of working papers from research organizations, abstracts of foreign policy journal articles, etc.
CIAO provides the full texts of working papers from research organizations such as the Cato Institute, the Center for Studies of Social Change, the Brookings Institution, the University of California Center for German and European Studies, the Oxford University Centre for International Studies. An interactive feature allows colleagues to offer comments. CIAO also includes abstracts of articles from foreign policy journals; conference proceedings; some full-text online books from Columbia University Press; links to other related sites; and a weekly calendar of meetings, conferences, seminars and research projects.
Indexes the world's leading journals in political science; includes nearly 900 journals.
International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA),produced by the International Political Science Association, includes current indexing and abstracts of the world's leading journals in political science. This database contains over 110,000 records from nearly 900 journals published from 1989 to the present. Approximately 8,000 new records are added to the database each year.
Access to political science, public policy, and international relations journals. Also includes thousands of recent full-text doctoral dissertations on political science topics, together with working papers, conference proceedings, country reports, policy papers and other sources.
A daily online resource for international politics and foreign affairs written by more than 400 contributors from around the world.
World Politics Review is a daily online publication for foreign policy issues.
Articles for the Review are written by several hundred contributors from around the world, experts in a variety of disciplines. Full text is included in PDF or HTML format, or both, and the Review contains thousands of articles in its archive.
World Politics Review covers topics relevant to foreign policy, international politics and foreign affairs. Among the topics it includes:
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts builds on the merged backfile of Political Science Abstracts (1975-2000) and ABC POL SCI (1984-2000). This database provides abstracts and indexing of the international literature of political science and international relations, along with complementary fields, including international law and public administration/policy. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from over 750 core serials publications and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, and working papers.
Access provided by the Jerome Hall Law Library. Provides full-text of historial treaties, regulations, and presidential documents. Also includes numerous law resources.
Also includes materials related to constitutions, case law, world trials, classic treatises, international trade, foreign relations, U.S. Presidents, and much more.
Access provided by the Jerome Hall Law Library. A multilingual index to articles and book reviews that appear in legal journals published worldwide. Excludes the U.S., the UK, Canada, and Australia.
The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals, produced by The American Association of Law Libraries, provides access to legal literature worldwide, covering all forms of foreign (non-Anglo-American) law. This includes comparative law and legal systems, such as Islamic law; socialist law; public and private international law; and transnational commercial law. The data is not limited by country of publication, but rather type of publication. Thus, while publications concerning British and American law are not included, British and American publications concerning foreign law are included.
The types of documents covered include journal articles, congress reports, essay collections, yearbooks, and book reviews.
The database encompasses all languages. Materials in Greek, Cyrillic, and East Asian vernacular are Romanized according to Library of Congress standards. Arabic and Hebrew titles are translated into English or French.
Includes articles from local, regional, national and international newspapers, magazines, online journals, television and radio broadcasts, newswires and blogs, transcripts, and legal research, as well as federal and state cases and statutes, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions since 1790. Also includes access to Nexis Dossier.
Comprehensive coverage of news and current events, government, business, medical, and legal topics, as well as general reference information is included. Formats found in Nexis Uni are: international and domestic newspapers, magazines and trade journals, broadcast transcripts (NPR, ABC News, CBS News, and CNN), company financial information, industry and market news, federal and state case law, law reviews, medical news and abstracts, and state and country profiles. Includes business information on over 80 million U.S. and international companies and 75 million executives. Non-English language news sources are available in Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Dutch. Campus news from some 400 college/university papers and over 50 wire services are also available.
To access Nexis Dossier select "Business" (near the bottom of the Nexis Uni homepage). Then select "Create a Company List" in the Company Dossier box.
Under the auspices of Candid, this resource provides comprehensive information on grantmakers and their funding activities.
Includes a database of U.S. foundations, corporate giving programs, and grantmaking public charities, as well as a growing number of non-U.S. grantmakers. Also includes a database of sponsoring companies, recently awarded grants, and a keyword-searchable database of recently filed IRS Forms 990 and 990-PF. IU subscribes at the professional level.
Under the auspices of Candid, this resource provides information and data on nonprofit organizations.
Allows users to search and filter organizations by granular income, expense, assets, and number of employees, as well as analyze an organization's year-over-year profit, revenue, expenses. Users can also verify organizations’ current IRS status with GuideStar Charity Check, and see nonprofit contractors. In-depth nonprofit information is available for download, users are limited to 1,000 downloads per month.
The Office of the Vice Provost for Research and the IUPUI Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research jointly funds Indiana University's subscription to Pivot for all IU campuses. Pivot is a database of funding opportunities for research.
Comprehensive, editorially maintained database of funding opportunities combined with a unique database of over 3 million pre-populated scholar profiles. Pivot's proprietary algorithm compiles pre-populated researcher profiles unique to Indiana University and matches them to current funding opportunities in the expansive COS Pivot database. This allows users to search for a funding opportunity and instantly view matching faculty from inside or outside IU.