This guide provides information and access to resources for teaching, learning, and research at the School of Optometry. Information pertains to vision sciences, optometry and ophthalmology. Related areas of study include: anatomy, physiology, neurology and pathology of visual systems of humans and animals; general optics; visual and color perception, alternative or controversial approaches to vision care, and the history of optometry
IU Libraries and your subject librarian can provide a number of services to support your research and learning. These services include but certainly are not limited to the following:
Using the DOI citation linker to get access to an article full text or populate the InterLibrary Loan form
Setting up your professional identity with ORCID--your personal lifelong identification number for you and your research
Getting organized with citation management: EndNote, Mendeley, or Zotero
Help you find: answers, collaborators, grant opportunities, post-doc positions
Maximizing your research presence by supporting publishing with the Open Access Article Publishing Fund and depositing work in IUScholarWorks
Manage your data
Measure the impact of your research
Purchase or license materials you need