This guide provides an introduction to fashion and ethics, providing a wide array of resources (articles to podcasts), and a select group of case studies at the intersection of fashion and ethics.
"Our mission is to illuminate the interlinked injustices in fashion supply chains that harm the planet, people and our fellow animals. By uprooting their intertwined harm, we work to create a total ethics fashion system."
"The Ethical Fashion Initiative creates and strengthens social enterprises in emerging economies to connect discerning international brands in fashion, interiors, and fine foods with talented local designers, artisans, and micro-producers."
"ETI is a leading alliance of trade unions, NGOs and companies, working together with key stakeholders to promote practical solutions to end the abuse of human rights at work."
"Fashion Revolution was founded by Carry Somers and Orsola de Castro in the wake of the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013. We have grown to become the world’s largest fashion activism movement, mobilising citizens, brands and policymakers through research, education and advocacy."
Through strategic research, policy initiatives, and campaigns, Model Alliance aims to promote fair treatment, equal opportunity, and more sustainable practices in the fashion industry, from the runway to the factory floor.
"Garment Worker Center is a worker rights organization leading an anti-sweatshop movement to improve conditions for tens of thousands of Los Angeles garment workers. Through direct organizing, GWC develops leaders who demand enforcement of strong labor laws and accountability from factory owners, manufacturers, and fashion brands."
"The Fur Free Alliance exists to end the exploitation and killing of animals for fur. The Alliance is an international coalition that consists of more than 50 animal protection organisations, based in more than 35 countries around the world, working collaboratively to bring about the end of fur farming and fur trapping, using wholly peaceful means."