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SLAV S320 Russian Jewish Writers

This is a course guide for SLAV S-320 (Russian Jewish Writers).

How to Identify Russian Jewish Writers?

In order to identify the names of important Russian Jewish writers, you may use solid scholarly anthologies such as An anthology of Jewish-Russian literature : two centuries of dual identity in prose and poetry (2 vols., 2007); or examine the entry "Russian literature" in The Yivo encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe (2 vols., 2008). You may also refer to Encyclopaedia Judaica (16 vols., 1971-72) and The encyclopedia of Russian Jewry (North Vale, NJ, 1998), which is the English version of the 7-volume Russian original Rossiiskaia evreiskaia entsiklopediia (Moscow, 1994-2011).

Biographical Resources

Biographical Monographs

In IUCAT, in the "Advanced Search" mode, use the writer's last name in combination with a subject heading "Biography." Search examples are:

     Babel AND Biography;
     Brodsky AND Biography;
     Ginzburg AND Biography;
     Pasternak AND Biography; and so on.