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Summer LibGuides Challenge

A LibGuide to support the regular upkeep of your LibGuides. Delightfully helpful, and delightfully meta

July Meeting Agenda

  1. Announcements and Check In with Anna Marie
    1. Anna Marie:
    2. JH
      1. Site Improve has an accessibility checker, and this is what the university uses for their audits
      2. I have reached out about increasing the font size on LibGuides and harmonizing heading sizes
      3. Thanks to Patrick Sullivan and Evan Brandon on their hard work this summer compiling these audits and synthesizing best practices
    3. Anyone else have things to share out?
  2. Discoverability Overview
    1. Course Name and Type Audit
    2. When to Unpublish/Private/Delete
    3. Subject and Open Tags
  3. Work Time
  4. Check in
  5. Next Steps
  6. Wrap Up


Discoverability Checklist tasks

  • Course guides are labelled consistently and categorized as such
  • Unpublish, make private, or delete guides made for events that happened over 2 years ago
  • Add Subject tags
  • Update all IU spaces and services to current names

Discoverability Audits

We followed the same pattern as last month with audits, but this time at a higher level.

Check to see if there was one created for your guides in this sharepoint folder

Guide Types

Following previous documentation, we noted where it seemed like a different Guide Type would fit the guide better.

  1. Research Guide: guides that contain targeted information and recommended resources for a particular subject, academic department, or major.
  2. Topic/General Purpose Guide: guides that pull together information on a central topic, tool, or research area that is not generally considered to be an academic department or program. These guides can also feature special or current events or highlight archival collections, resources, or service at IU Libraries.
  3. Course Guide: guides designed to support the teaching and research needs of a specific course.
  4. Instructor Guide: This guide type is relatively new, and it's currently being used to facilitate train-the-trainer type programs

Course Guide Names

We noted which guides did not follow the naming convention and gave a suggestion based on guidelines

This is the current standard for naming Course Guides:

[Department Code] [Course code] [Shortened version of course title and/or instructor last name]

Example: ANTH E400 Fashion, Beauty, Power

For courses with multiple guides, follow the course title with an additional identifier, such as instructor's last name or specific subtopic

Unpublish/Private/Delete: 3 options to reduce your visible guides (and workload)

Flow chart to work through when to unpublish, make private, or delete a guide, see similarly named link for full text explanation

For a more in-depth description of these different actions, read the chapter "When to make private, unpublish, or delete a guide"


Tags are inconsistently used, and we looked at how other institutions use this feature, here are some suggested guidelines on tagging. These guidelines are preliminary based on other institutions. Your input will shape these guidelines as we build consistency together.

Subject Tags

1-3 subject tags, which automatically populate when browsing by subject on the webpage.

Open Tags

1-5 tags, these are user generated, and aid in discoverability. To get the most out of them though, it helps to have a semi-controlled vocabulary. Historically, there's been no guidance on this though. See the tagging guidelines for some preliminary guidance, then go to the tagging jamboard to contribute to the creation on shared tagging guidance.

Open Work Time 15 minutes

If you finish early, move on to the next box to join in on either jamboard discussion

What will you work on?

What will you work on first over the next fifteen minutes
Discoverability Audit: 5 votes (62.5%)
Accessibility Audit: 2 votes (25%)
Tagging Jamboard: 0 votes (0%)
Cleaning Up Jamboard: 1 votes (12.5%)
Something else: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 8

For those who manage no to few LibGuides

No LibGuides to work on? No problem!

Since these audits had a much wider spread of work to do to address issues that came up, some of you might finish early, and some of you don't have LibGuides to work on at all! If this is the case for you, spend the remaining work time on either, or both, of these jamboards

Help contribute to a shared tagging vocabulary on LibGuides

Non-LibGuides Based Discussion Jamboard

Next Steps

What's next?

LibGuides CSS

Working with Richard Higgins on potentially increasing the font size and harmonizing the heading sizes, no promises due to technical and proprietary limitations

The Hub and the Master Guide

The Master Guide and The Hub are getting revamped since at the beginning of the summer the majority of people did not use them. Be on the look out for these as they roll out beginning of the fall semester!

3 Question Survey

Please consider filling out this quick survey to gauge interest in contributing to this work further!