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Summer LibGuides Challenge

A LibGuide to support the regular upkeep of your LibGuides. Delightfully helpful, and delightfully meta

June Meeting Agenda


  1. Announcements and check in from Anna Marie
  2. Accessibility Audit Overview
    1. Common issues
    2. WAVE extension
    3. Overview of Headings
  3. Work Time
  4. Wrap up

Accessibility Support Tools

Common Themes

Accessibility Audits

Checked the accessibility related checklist items across the top three most visited guides for each person in Research and Learning, here are some of the most common issues that came up

Broken links

I think this one is obvious. Links to webpages get moved around or taken down from external sites.

Vaguely named links

"here" and "form" were the most common vague names for links. Easy fix is to state where "here" is in the link name and to add the form name to the link name

Missing Alt Text/Image Description

Decorative and heading images often lacked alt text. If it's a decorative image, describe why that image was chosen and how it fits in the theme. This allows those using screen readers to appreciate your intentionality.

Heading structure

Most frequently, people skipped H3. Headings are the structural organization of your LibGuides. Use these to denote where in the outline of the content people are. If you use H3, but don't like the visual aspect, you can change the font size while keeping that html tag.

Why use headings?

Headings allow the reader to skim and quickly find the information they're looking for. Remember Ranganathan's "Save the Time of the Reader" Law of Library Science? This is a great application of that.

Headings and Screen Readers

Using the HTML tag for your heading structure allow those with screen readers to skim your guide as well. Skipping a heading level creates confusion, and using a heading to denote emphasis implies structure and more content than there is.

Summer Challenge Check In

What are your goals for this Summer LibGuides Challenge
Address issues in my top 3 guides: 5 votes (62.5%)
Address issues in over 50% of my guides: 1 votes (12.5%)
Address issues in all of my guides: 2 votes (25%)
Total Votes: 8
Rate Scale of 1-5 how challenging your goal feels (1=easy, 5 impossible)
1: 3 votes (30%)
2: 2 votes (20%)
3: 4 votes (40%)
4: 1 votes (10%)
5: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 10