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Summer LibGuides Challenge

A LibGuide to support the regular upkeep of your LibGuides. Delightfully helpful, and delightfully meta


Calendar icons to convey agenda items

Session Outline

  1. Quick Poll
  2. Overview of the Checklist
  3. Considering what support is needed
  4. Steps forward

Quick Poll

I use the Master Guide when building new LibGuides
Yes: 13 votes (43.33%)
I used to: 6 votes (20%)
No: 5 votes (16.67%)
What's that?: 6 votes (20%)
Total Votes: 30
I consult the Hub when creating or updating documents
Yes: 4 votes (13.79%)
I used to: 3 votes (10.34%)
No: 8 votes (27.59%)
What's that?: 14 votes (48.28%)
Total Votes: 29

Considering what support is needed

To Start

Pick out a LibGuide of yours that either A) has a lot of views or B) you know you'd like to refresh this summer


Look through the checklist tab. On top is the plain checklist, then underneath are the tasks broken down with the rationale on why to consider these

Break out discussion

In your break out rooms consider the following questions

  • What tasks do you need support doing?
  • What types of support do you need?
  • Which tasks do you think its most important you do yourself?
  • Which tasks would you like assistance with completing?

Then record some of your thoughts on this break out groups padlet.

By recording key points of your conversations, I can then develop strategies across the division to use in the June and July meetings

Next Steps

The next two meetings

There will be two more meetings throughout the summer that will follow a similar structure. Instead of a discussion, there will be time set aside to work through some checklist tasks related to that meeting's focus.

June Meeting Focus: Accessibility

July Meeting Focus: Discoverability


Before next meeting

You'll receive from me a list of LibGuides that you either own or have been assigned to you at some point in the shuffle, and there'll be additional supports offered as a result of today's discussion.