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Media Studies

Media Studies refers to the broad range of interdisciplinary subjects focusing on media culture and production.

Filipinx American Heritage Month

In celebration of Filipinx American Heritage Month, we have put together a feature commemorating Filipinx artists and creators. For more on the history of Filipinx American Heritage Month, please take a look at this piece on the celebration from the Asian Art Museum. We recognize that not everyone being celebrated this month aligns with using the label Filipinx that we will be using for the title of this feature. Several terms are more accepted due to different movements in gender equity and nonbinary visibility as well as a collective push back on terms rooted in colonialism. We invite any and all people to celebrate this month and use this feature to explore more about the wide and diverse range of art, film, literature, and general culture of Filipinx people.

For more on the topic of terms and labels, please read Kate Cabigao’s article on Vice, “Are You Filipino or Filipinx?”, as well as Lauren Golangco’s article on Tatler Asia, “Filipinx: Why is the Gender-Neutral Term So Controversial?”

Resources for Further Exploration

About the Playlist

In addition to the resources we've gathered in this feature, we've also curated a collection of music by artists from or with familial connections to the Philippines. While certainly not comprehensive, we have sought to include a representative sampling of genres and sounds from across time but with an emphasis on contemporary musicians and styles. To learn more about the contributions of Filipinx artists to musical history and culture, take a look at some of the resources we used to make this playlist below:

Next Steps

For more on this topic, and this month-long celebration, consult some of the following resources from Indiana University: 

A sampling of scholarly articles from our electronic databases relevant to Filipinx identity and culture:

Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (Pasifika) Heritage Month

In May, we celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. This feature highlights writers, scholars, filmmakers, artists, and creatives who identify as Native Hawaiian and/or Pacific Islander (NHPI). NHPI refers to those whose origins are the indigenous peoples of Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia. Polynesia includes Hawai'i (Native Hawaiian, or Kānaka Maoli), Samoa, American Samoa, the Cook Islands, Tuvalu, Tokelau, Tahiti, and Tonga, as well as the Māori of Aotearoa (New Zealand). Micronesia includes Guam (Guamanian or Chamorro), Mariana Islands, Saipan, Palau, Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei, Kosrae, Marshall Islands, and Kiribati (I-Kiribat). Melanesia includes Fiji, Papau New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu (Ni-Vanuatu).

By grouping NHPI with Asian Americans, whether in government statistics or AAPI celebrations, we often end up overlooking those of NHPI descent. For example, the impact of COVID-19 on NHPI communities went underreported and overlooked by government health agencies. Additionally, the very voices of Pacific Islander (or Pasifika) people are ignored by the United States government which does not allow the more than 3.5 million people living in the U.S. territories, including Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa, to vote or hold meaningful political power. In this guide, we have assembled a collection of academic texts and journals, fiction, poetry, films, podcasts, organizations and more created by Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. Explore the organization tab to learn more about ways to get involved with or donate to NHPI organizations.

Video: Are You “AAPI” or “Asian American”? It's Complicated. A People's History of Asian America, PBS Voices (2021).

The Playlist

In addition to the resources we have compiled for this feature from our collections, we've also curated a collection of music that celebrates the many cultures and voices from Hawai’i and the Pacific Islands. This playlist features traditional and contemporary artists from these regions who blend their ancestral languages, instruments, and stories with modern influences and styles. This includes the soothing sounds of the ukulele and steel guitar, the powerful chants and rhythms of the hula, and many other sonic expressions, as well as artists who are bringing their experiences to genres like hip hop, electronic, and heavy metal that are often associated with Western cultures. To learn more about the contributions of artists from this region to musical history and culture, take a look at some of the resources we used to make this playlist below:

Note: To enjoy the playlist in full, click on the white Spotify icon in the upper-right corner of the playlist, and press the "like" (♡) button in the application to save.

Next Steps

If you would like to engage more with this month-long celebration, the Libraries have curated a number of interrelated resources and features to continue and deepen the conversation. You'll find these, below:

There are also a number of resources on the Bloomington campus, including:

In addition to the those featured below, check out the journals published by the University of Hawai'i Press and this Introduction to Pacific Island Studies LibGuide compiled by the University of Hawai'i Leeward Community College Library. You can also search "Pacific Area--Periodicals" or "Hawaii--Periodicals" in IUCAT to find journals and publications available to you as an IU student.

Anthologies and Collections

For additional academic texts, try browsing the following series:

A collection of biographies and memoirs can be found on the Bess Press and Native Books websites.

The Poetry Foundation has created a collection of Pacific Islander poetry featuring contemporary poets, poems, and articles exploring the history and poetics of the Pacific. 


  • Nā Hualono: A collection of Hawaiian Language & Culture Podcasts  (Kaulana Dameg, wakelet)
  • CNHA’s Podcast Network  "Carves out a space for Native Hawaiians to tell our stories, to share our manaʻo, to hear about what matters to us."
  • Native Stories  A "non-profit audio content platform and production house focused on providing access to authentic stories and experiences—of its people, place, perspective, history and culture—in service to those that came before us and the understanding of life that should be passed down through generations and around the world."

Film & Television

Featured below is a collection of films, shorts, and documentaries made by and centering Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. For additional resources see the following websites:

Articles about Pasifika film and television:


Additional Resource Guides


Bamboo Ridge Press LogoBamboo Ridge Press was founded in 1978 to publish literature by, for, and about Hawaiʻi’s people. They currently publish two volumes a year: a literary journal of poetry and fiction featuring work by both emerging and established writers, and a book by a single author or an anthology focused on a special theme. "In forty plus years we’ve published a diverse catalog of poetry, prose, screenplays, stage plays, novels, and more." Explore their digital collections, oral history project, blog, and books. You can also access "Bamboo Ridge: The Hawaii writers quarterly" through IUCAT.



Art installation, part of Hawaiʻi Triennial 2022.Tropic Editions (TE) is a Honolulu-based publishing imprint that supports artist-driven projects imbued with a sense of place. Launched in 2018 by Marika Emi, an arts organizer, chef, and designer, TE seeks to bolster and establish connections between seemingly disparate locales and identities. With a curatorial emphasis on experimentation, social criticism, and collaboration, the press is dedicated to drawing Hawaiʻi into an existing global art discourse on tropicality, post-colonialism, and creative production.

Kamehameha Publishing logo.

Kamehameha Publishing is an ‘Ōiwi Hawai‘i publisher of high-quality, community-based materials that amplify ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi, ʻike Hawaiʻi, and kuanaʻike Hawaiʻi. Utilizing a range of print and digital media, Kamehameha Publishing delivers rich and engaging Hawaiian culture-based educational content for haumāna of all ages in both formal and informal settings. Established in 1888 as Kamehameha School Press, today’s twenty-first-century Kamehameha Publishing carries on a rich and robust tradition that enabled the near fully literate nineteenth-century Hawaiian Kingdom to produce one of the largest archives of Native writings in the world.



 Bess PreBess Press Inc. is a family owned publishing company located in Kaimukī. For over 43 years the Press has been creating and developing content for Hawai‘i and the greater Pacific. Today, the Press has grown to become a leading educational content producer of Hawaiian and Pacific Island studies curriculum for use in preschool through high school. Their work is entirely dedicated toward enhancing the multiple voices, cultures, and shared stories that make up Hawaiʻi and Oceania. Bess Press has published over 700 titles within the genres of children’s literature, language, history, coloring and activity, biography & memoir, as well as informational and nature guides, along with custom publishing projects.


Native Books logo.Native Books is an independent bookstore and publisher focused on books and literature from Hawaiʻi and the Pacific. Kanaka ʻōiwi epistemology is shared through information and knowledge presented in a variety of forms and methods including the written word, ʻike kūpuna, discussions, podcasts, live streams, out of print and reprinted publications, game playing, songs and music, and most of all gatherings. Native Books also holds rare and out of print book auctions, and supported the “Aupuni Artwall,” a community gallery featuring Kanaka ʻōiwi contemporary artists.



Kaya Press logo.Kaya Press is a group of dedicated writers, artists, readers, and lovers of books working together to publish the most challenging, thoughtful, and provocative literature being produced throughout the Asian and Pacific Island diasporas. "We believe that people’s lives can be changed by literature that pushes us past expectations and out of our comfort zone. We believe in the contagious potential of creativity combined with the means of production. Founded in 1994, Kaya Press has established itself as the premier publisher of cutting-edge Asian and Pacific Islander diasporic writers in the United States. Our diverse list of titles includes experimental poetry, noir fiction, film memoir, avant-garde art, performance pieces, “lost” novels, and everything in between." Check out Milkteeth Books, the intern-run chapbook imprint of Kaya Press.


‘Āina Momona logo.‘Āina Momona is a Native Hawaiian 501(c)(3) organization founded by Walter Ritte for the purpose of achieving environmental health and sustainability through restoring social justice and Hawaiian sovereignty. ‘Āina Momona is based out of Keawanui Fishpond and Cultural Learning Center on the east end of Moloka‘i in the Ka‘amola ahupua‘a. In partnership with Kamehameha Schools, they manage a 55-acre ancestral Hawaiian fishpond and 8 acres of agricultural land. Due to the ongoing effects of colonization, land development, and climate change there are few fishponds in Hawaiʻi today that are still operable, though many in the community are working to revitalize these crucial, mariculture practices. Their community-led efforts are focused on erosion mitigation and traditional food system revitalization. Their primary goal is to conduct full-scale ahupua‘a restoration led by community members, to transform degraded environments into places of momona, of bounty, once again. Donate here.


Nihi! logo.

Nihi! Indigenous Media. "As indigenous people of Guåhan, the Marianas and the broader Micronesia, we believe that it is our responsibility to help to build for future generations—a world where our traditions, knowledge and connections to the land and ocean are valued and protected. Our model teaches stewardship of our islands and ocean through cultural ownership—that islander children protect and respect their home when they know, love, and feel a personal connection to it. This is our responsibility to our elders and to all of the generations that are to come."



KAHEA logo.

KAHEA is about Hawai`i. About a healthy environment and thriving cultural traditions for Ka Pae'Āina. "In the face of increasing assaults to Hawaii's l'and, ocean, water, native species, culture, and way of life, we are charting a different course. KAHEA is about people. Because empowered people engaged in collective action is what leads to lasting and meaningful change. KAHEA is a thousands-strong alliance of cultural practitioners, environmental advocates, teachers, scientists, resource experts, community leaders, clergy, union members, doctors, health professionals, social workers, students, and concerned individuals around the world, reaching across class, age, income, race and gender."



AMEMSA+ History & Heritage Month

April is National Arab American Heritage Month, which was first founded by the Arab American Foundation in 2017. We created this feature not only to celebrate Arab American Heritage, but anyone belonging to the AMEMSA+ (Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian) community. Specifically in Media Studies, individuals from or with ties to countries of the AMEMSA region, as well as their traditions, perspectives, and cultural work, are often deeply misrepresented, simplified, and/or erased in popular culture. This feature aims to showcase and celebrate AMEMSA+ authors and creators and recognize the beautiful impact their art and media has on Bloomington and Indiana University as a whole. This feature is also a celebration of Ramadan and those who observe this holy month. Ramadan Mubarak!

Further Reading:

About the Playlist

In addition to the resources we've gathered in this feature, we've also curated a collection of music by artists from or with familial connections to AMEMSA countries. While certainly not comprehensive, we have sought to include a representative sampling of countries, communities, and genres, from across time but with an emphasis on contemporary musicians and styles. To learn more about the contributions of artists from this region to musical history and culture, take a look at some of the resources we used to make this playlist below:

Note: To enjoy the playlist in full, click on the white Spotify icon in the upper-right corner of the playlist, and press the "like" (♡) button in the application to save.

Next Steps

If you'd like to engage more deeply with resources and library materials relevant to AMEMSA+ communities, browse some of the following guides from IU Libraries:





Feature Films & Shorts

Documentaries & Documentary Shorts

YouTube & Short Form Content:

Video: Muslim Women React To Bad Representation. Muslim (2021).

Video: This Aint It...Let's Talk About Muslim Representation. SincerelyTahiry (2019).


  • Ahmed, Saifuddin. 2017. “News Media, Movies, and Anti-Muslim Prejudice: Investigating the Role of Social Contact.” Asian Journal of Communication 27 (5): 536–53.
  • Du Bois, Christine M. 2004. Images of West Indian Immigrants in Mass Media : The Struggle for a Positive Ethnic Reputation. The New Americans. New York: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC.
  • Minhas, Shahid. 2019. “Coverage of War on Terror: A Comparative Analysis of Pakistani, Indian and American Print Media.” Dialogue: A Quarterly Research Journal 14 ii (January): 106–17.
  • Parray, I. ( 1 ), and S. ( 2 ) Saeed. 2022. “Rethinking South Asian Media Historiography: Excavating Princely India’s Media Cultures with Reference to Jammu and Kashmir State.” Society and Culture in South Asia 8 (1): 72-95–95. doi:10.1177/23938617211040295.



Disability Awareness & Pride Months

In celebration of National Disability Awareness Month in March, Disability Pride Month in July, and National Disability Employment Month in October, we curated this feature to focus on disabled, neurodivergent, crip, and sick creators in a wide range of mediums. Disability is a topic in film, literature, music, and other media that often gets pushed to the side due to fear, stigma, and pity. This feature is a testament to the vibrant community of disability media and its creators that refuse to let diagnoses or illness stand in the way of artistic expression. 

To read more about disability language and the use of "crip," enjoy this article by Dean Strauss: "Queer Crips: Reclaiming Language," and Brittany Wong's Huffington Post article "It's Perfectly OK to call a Disabled Person 'Disabled,' And Here's Why."

The Playlist

To get started with this feature, we have compiled a selection of music from disabled, sick, and neurodivergent artists from across time and genres. To learn more about these artists and communities, and the particularities of their musical contributions, enjoy some of the resources we used to help make this playlist:

Next Steps

If you would like to engage more with this month-long celebration, the Libraries have curated a number of interrelated resources and features to continue and deepen the conversation. You'll find these, below:

Indiana University Disability Resources

There are a number of resources and services available to students, staff, and faculty on the Bloomington campus. A selection of these is provided here:





Feature Films


Short Films


Journal Articles


Visual Art

Hispanic + Latin(x/e) Heritage Month

In celebration of National Hispanic American Heritage Month, we have put together a feature commemorating Hispanic and Latine/Latinx artists and creators from across generations.

We recognize that not everyone being celebrated throughout this month align with using labels such as Hispanic or Latin(e/x) that we will be using for the title of this feature. Several terms are more accepted due to different movements in gender equity and nonbinary visibility as well as a collective push back on terms rooted in colonialism. We invite any and all people to celebrate this month and use this feature to explore more about the wide and diverse range of art, film, literature, and general culture of Hispanic and Latin(e/x) people.

For more on the topic of terms and labels, the New York Public Librarian's curator of Latin American, Iberian, and Latino Studies Paloma Celis Carbajal shares more in their article "From Hispanic to Latine: Hispanic Heritage Month and the Terms That Bind Us."

For more on the topic, and this month-long celebration, consult some of the following resources:

About the Playlist

To provide an initial orientation to this feature and the contributions of Latinx artists, we have compiled a chronological survey of songs by musicians from these communities across time and genre. To learn more about Hispanic and Latinx musical worlds, check out some of the resources we used to create this playlist: 

Next Steps

If you would like to engage more with this month-long celebration, the Libraries have curated a number of interrelated resources and features to continue and deepen the conversation. You'll find these, below:





A sampling of scholarly articles from our electronic databases relevant to Latin(x/e) identity and culture:

Feature Films

For a more comprehensive list of films (both features and documentaries) relevant to this celebration, please visit Media Service's guide to Hispanic History & Heritage Month Streaming and DVD Resources.


Short Films

Asian American, Native Hawaiian, & Pacific Islander Heritage Month

The group of people honored and acknowledged during Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month is vast and incredibly diverse. They occupy a wide swath of different immigrant experiences and pasts, from the Chinese immigration to the country’s west coast to prospect for gold to the influx of Indian immigrants that came following the establishment of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. In these times of prejudice and violence toward many in AAPI and Native Hawaiian communities, it is essential to develop solidarity and recognize our common humanity. People from Asian American and Pacific Islander backgrounds are reflective of America as a whole and their contributions, some of which are shown below, are vital to the quilted pattern of our country’s continually evolving self-expression. To learn more about this celebration, consult some of the resources below:

The Playlist

As an entry point into this feature, we have put together a sampling of contemporary AANHPI artists and their contributions to music across genres. To learn more about these artists and communities, check out some of the resources we used to create the playlist:

Next Steps

If you would like to engage more with this month-long celebration, the Libraries have curated a number of interrelated resources and features to continue and deepen the conversation. You'll find these, below:





Feature Films


Black Histories & Futures Month

In recognition and celebration of Black History Month this February, we have curated a selection of books, films, podcasts, and music that celebrate the voices, writing, lives, and history of Black people in America. This collection loosely centers around Blackness in media—aiming to highlight Black music, pop culture, television, and performance. In these selections you will find Black creators discussing the impact of media misrepresentation on Black masculinity, connections between Black music and culinary traditionsrest as a form of resistance, the history of Black performance in America, Black feminist sound, and ekphrastic Black & queer futures alongside a variety of other topics. We hope that you can utilize this collection alongside additional IU Library resources to recognize and celebrate the work of Black intellectuals, writers, poets, chefs, directors, and creators this February. 

Our collection is only a small sampling of texts. See below for additional reading lists:

About the Playlist

In addition to the resources we've gathered in this feature, we've also curated a sampling of music by black artists, across time and genre. To learn more about the deep and varied contributions of black musicians to the development of this medium, take a look at some of the resources we used to make this and other related playlists in the Sounds of Black History Month feature.

Note: To enjoy the playlist in full, click on the white Spotify icon in the upper-right corner of the playlist, and press the "like" (♡) button in the application to save.

Next Steps

National recognition months are a great opportunity to celebrate and participate in events and learning that honor the history of marginalized communities. We recognize, however, that these months, and the creation of resource guides, is only one small step in celebrating and recognizing the contributions of marginalized communities across America. We also recognize that reading books, engaging with films, and listening to music by Black creators is only one aspect of supporting Black communities. To engage more fully, consider supporting local Black-owned businesses, learning about the history and experiences of Black people in Bloomington and at IU, and supporting institutions at IU the are dedicated to Black students. Please see our feature on Local Black History for resources specific to Bloomington, Indiana. 

In particular, we would like to highlight the Celebrating Black Cinema series hosted by the Black Film Center & Archive, the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center, and the City of Bloomington. See the full list of events on the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center Calendar.

To explore more programming at IU, see below:

While Black History Month, as a formulation, often emphasizes history and the present (and thus maintains a retrospective focus), we acknowledge that there are many Black futures that we can dream, cultivate, and grow together. While we have highlighted a number of resources that imagine a different world, in the (or "a") future we hope to shift our focus to looking forward, with new features and resources that highlight what is possible.

If you'd like to engage more deeply with Black History Month through library resources, the IU Libraries Arts & Humanities department has created a number of resources and features to provide more holistic coverage of Black history:

For more poetry, explore the following curated lists: