IU Libraries has a wealth of information to help support your research! Explore the tabs to the left, and feel free to use the "Ask a Librarian" chat function if you get stuck or need help finding a specific resource. Read on to learn about peer review and tips to manage your research and citations!
See also:
Citation managers format references in the style you choose (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago). Many of these have plug-ins for web browsers and word processors, and can make your life MUCH easier! I recommend Zotero, but all of these are good options for organizing your research and automatically creating in-text citations and reference lists. See this guide for more information on citations at IU: https://guides.libraries.indiana.edu/citingresources
IU students have free access to several citation managers (i.e., "bibliographic software").
NOTE: Always check the accuracy of citations created through these tools. They can be very helpful, but may make mistakes.
Citation Managers at IU