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SPCN P155 Public Speaking


What is Public Discourse? 

Public Discourse is the communication that shapes (or challenges) our shared beliefs and norms as a society.

Public Discourse Sources

When choosing where to locate sources, consider the type of information you need. Some research tools are more likely to include relevant sources than others.

This page emphasizes sources for public discourse. This resource list is NOT comprehensive. Internet research can help you locate additional resources. 

Below you can find detailed information on Gale in Context's Opposing Viewpoints and CQ Researcher, two key resources for this course. It also includes a list of general resources, national and international news, local news, and polls.

Opposing Viewpoints


Opposing Viewpoints is a resource by Gale in Context.  It provides information on social issues, including viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazine and newspaper articles. There are also featured news and featured videos. The items in Opposing Viewpoints are fully searchable, or you can browse by individual topics for lists of items concerning the issue, pro and con.

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CQ Researcher

CQ Researcher is an online periodical covering current events. Its articles include an overview, historical background, chronology, pro/con feature, plus resources for additional research. Graphics, photos and short "sidebar" features round out the reports. Shorter "Hot Topics" articles provide a solid introduction to subjects most in demand by students.

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General Sources

National & International News

Local News
