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Latine/Latin American Artist Showcase

Highlighting resources related to the Eskenazi School's 2022 Latine/Latin Artist Showcase.

Defining Terms and Space

What is Latine?

According to, a resource for addressing gender bias in Hispanic and Latino communities,

Latine (pronounced la·ˈ​ti·​ne) is a gender-neutral form of the word Latino, created by LGBTQIA+, gender non-binary, and feminist communities in Spanish speaking countries. The objective of the term Latine is to remove gender from the Spanish word Latino, by replacing it with the gender-neutral Spanish letter E. This idea is native to the Spanish language and can be seen in many gender-neutral words like "estudiante."

Latin America is defined as nations in the Americas and the Caribbean whose residents predominantly speak Spanish or Portuguese. 

Where is Latin America?

Latin America is geographically designated as a set of nations belonging to the regions of North America, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America.

Map of Latin America in mostly neutral and cool-toned colors.

Image courtesy of: United States Central Intelligence Agency. Latin America. [Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, 2006] Map.

For more information on Latine and Latin American identity, read the Getty's "Overview of Latino and Latin American Identity."