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Scholars' Commons Productivity Tools

A companion guide for the Scholars' Commons workshop on productivity, for graduate students.

Library Research Assistance Tools

Create database alerts for keyword searches related to your topic. Many databases allow this including ProQuest, Ebsco, PubMed, Web of Science, etc.

A screenshot with the "save search/create alert" option in the PyscINFO database highlighted in red

Linking Google Scholar to your IU Library Resources

!. Go to Google Scholar and click Settings

A screenshot showing where the "settings" menu option is in Google Scholar2. Click Library Links and search for Indiana University Bloomington, press the Save button.

3. Now when you search, you should be able to go through a special link that will ask you for your IU credentials to authenticate.







A screenshot showing what the library links field looks like in Google Scholar. In this example, Indiana University resources are checked.

A screenshot showing the IU-link functionality in Google Scholar search