It is important to remember that not all web-based content was created equal. There's no such thing as a perfect website! But, by considering the questions and criteria below, you will be able to determine whether a website is reliable enough to use.
- Key question: How accurate is the information? Is it supported by other reliable sources?
- Also: Are images credited to their sources? Does the information seem complete? Are there spelling errors?
- Key question: Does the author have authority on the subject?
- Who is the author? Are they even identified?
- What are the authors' credentials and affiliations?
- Do they seem to have expertise in the relevant area?
- Do they provide contact information?
- Key question: Is the website's purpose to inform? To sell? To persuade?
- Also: Does the information seem to be presented objectively? What biases might affect the reliability of the information?
- Key question: Is the information presented current or out of date?
- When was the page published? Has it been updated? Are any links broken?
- Key question: Is the site's information relevant to your research needs?
- How detailed is it? What is its intended audience? What is its scope?
Still unsure? Contact Misti Shaw at the Cook Music Library (mistshaw @