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BUS L375 L376 Ethics & the 21st Century Business Leader

Identify Moral Problem:

Background Information:

Analysis (Articles that provide cases & support):

Additional Publications

These publications provide credible, news and long-form magazine content.


A full list of business data and statistical resources are available here.

Legal Research:

Evaluation of Sources:

You will want to evaluate sources for credibility prior to use. The CRAAP (currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose) framework can assist you in the evaluation process.

General Library Resources

  IUB Libraries Website

Use the "Research" tab to find databases by subject/discipline. The Business subject page has a curated list of business databases, or consult the A-Z Database link for a list of all the Indiana University Bloomington subscription databases. These resources must be accessed through the Libraries website or portals like this guide.

   Business/SPEA Citation Guide

Examples of how to cite business information in both MLA and APA citation formats. The Purdue OWL is a good source of general citation information. Citing sources often involves knowing whether evidence is common knowledge. MIT's "What is Common Knowledge" can help you explore this concept. The Writing Tutorial Services guide for "How to Use Evidence" can also be helpful for citation.