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Compensation Research Guide (2022)

Outlines compensation research strategies and sources.

Company/Industry Hiring Practices & Trends

Company and industry reports accessed through library database can sometimes reveal specific hiring trends or practices that might dictate or influence salary requirements. These will also assist in comparing hiring trends between companies or industries and help to reveal if there is growth. Below is a selection of company and industry databases that can be used for these activities.


Company (directories, profiles, analyses):


Industry/Market (reports, products, analyses):


News & Literature (background, growth, trends, case studies):

Article and news sources can be searched for articles about a company or industry's hiring practices or may also publish interviews with human resources professionals or recruiters that could include these details.

Here are some possible keywords to use when conducting a search for company/industry hiring practices. 


"hiring trends"

"personnel selection"

"hiring practices"

"employee selection"

"job offers"

"employee recruitment"

"employment practices"

"employee interviewing"

Combine these terms with the company or industry name using "AND." For example: (IBM or "International Business Machines") and "hiring practices."

Benefits Information

While salary plays a primary role in compensation, benefits such as healthcare, vacation, flexible working schedules are also key. Company websites can yield benefit information (pay particular attention to press releases). 


Company Lists:

Company lists can rank or reveal company-specific benefits information. Make sure to check how lists were compiled and requirements for inclusion.


Insider Information:

Databases like Vault or freely-available websites like Glassdoor provide employee insights and feedback regarding benefits and work culture. Make sure to check and see how information is gathered and if it is verified.


News & Articles:

Article and news sources can be searched for articles about a company benefits or may also publish interviews with human resources professionals or recruiters that could include these details.

Here are some possible keywords to use when conducting a search for benefits information.


"employee benefits"

"employee fringe benefits"

Narrower terms (ex. bonuses, "employee vacations," "employee stock options," "parental leave")

Combine these terms with the company or industry name using "AND." For example: (IBM or "International Business Machines") and "employee benefits."