... You can. In fact, here's a direct link to it to show that we don't hate it. But Google Scholar includes everything in one big bucket. For more focused research, use a subject index for bioanthropology or the Web of Science. If you do use Google Scholar, make sure your settings include a library link to Indiana University - Bloomington -- IU-Link, which will connect you to resources available to IU users.The search box above already has these settings.
After browsing in journals for a while, you are ready to do a targeted search for scientific articles on your topic. This page takes you to the options we recommend, namely:
1. Subject-specific databases in bioanthropology
2. The Web of Science
3. Google Scholar (with a tip on how to make it work for you)
The Web of Science is a citation database covering the scholarly journal literature in all subjects. It also includes specialized databases for medicine, biology, and zoology. Search everything at once, or just a selected database.
Quick Reference Guide to Web of Science [PDF]