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ENG W131 | ACP Indiana University

Library teaching tools and databases to support inquiry projects in ACP courses.


Goldilocks Rule: Narrowing a Topic

Once you select a topic, refine your research question by asking the "5 W's"

Why – why is the topic important? (to the class, to the field, or to you - let your answer help shape the following questions)
Who – population or group (e.g., teens, college students, refugees)
What – discipline or focus (e.g., psychology or classroom strategies)
Where – geographic location (e.g., United States; universities; rural areas)
When – time or era (Civil Rights Era; last 5 years; pre-COVID)

Broad topic: Immigrants in public schools

Narrowed topic: Classroom strategies that affect education outcomes for immigrant students in rural US K-12 schools.

Adapted from: University of Michigan. (2023 Finding and Exploring your topic. Retrieved from

Broadening Your Topic

If you receive too few results, broaden your research question by revisiting the "5 W's"

Why – why is the topic important? (moving beyond your personal interest, how could your topic affect the region/state/country/world)
Who – population or group (instead of "teens" try "adolescents," instead of "refugees" try "immigrants")
What – discipline or focus (in addition to "psychology" add other disciplines such as "social work" or "school counseling")
Where – geographic location (expand your geographic region to include additional communities)
When – time or era (lengthen the amount of time)

Adapted from: University of Michigan. (2023 Finding and Exploring your topic. Retrieved from

Sample Research Questions

A good research question is clear, focused, and has an appropriate level of complexity. Developing a strong question is a process, so you will likely refine your question as you continue to research and to develop your ideas.  


Unclear: Why are social networking sites harmful?

Clear: How are online users experiencing or addressing privacy issues on such social networking sites as Facebook and TikTok?


Unfocused: What is the effect on the environment from global warming?

Focused: How is glacial melting affecting penguins in Antarctica?

Simple vs Complex

Too simple: How are doctors addressing diabetes in the U.S.?

Appropriately Complex:  What are common traits of those suffering from diabetes in America, and how can these commonalities be used to aid the medical community in prevention of the disease?

Adapted from: George Mason University Writing Center. (2018). How to write a research question. Retrieved from