There are gendered restrooms in the lobby of the 1st floor of Wells near the 10th street entrance.
There are all gender restrooms on the 4th,8th, and 9th floors of the East tower of Wells.
In Person Symposium will be held at the Hazelbaker in Wells Library. The Hazelbaker is on the 1st Floor of the East Tower. It is to the left behind the reference desk.
9:30 am Welcome by Karen Farrell, Head of Scholarly Communications.
9:40 am Black Libraries and the Diffusion of Knowledge: Decolonizing Access in the Early Twentieth Century with Melanie Chambliss, Assistant Professor in Humanities, History, and Social Sciences at Columbia College-Chicago: Q&A will follow.
10:30 am Open Access in Anthropology: Q&A will follow.
11:20 am By Their Very Nature, Ideas Cannot Be Property: A Vision for Publishing Otherwise with Eileen Fradenburg Joy, Founding Director of Punctum Books
12pm Lunch
12:30 pm Faculty Perspectives on Publishing OA: Q&A will follow.
Quito Swan, Professor of African American and African Diaspora Studies at Indiana University & Author of Pauulu’s Diaspora: Black Internationalism and Environmental Justice
Ethan Michelson, Professor of Sociology and Law, Chair of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Indiana University & Author of Decoupling: Gender Injustice in China’s Divorce Courts
1:20 pm Wellness Break
1:45 pm University Press Perspectives: Open Access Publishing in the Humanities: Q&A will follow.
Introduction of Speakers by Haley Norris, Diversity Resident, Scholarly Communication Librarian.
Alexa Colella, Research Square, former acquisitions editor University of Illinois Press
Gary Dunham, Director of Indiana University Press
3:10 pm Climate Change, Open Pedagogy and the ALA Civic Imagination Station Project by Maria Eliza Hamilton Abegunde, Assistant Professor of African American and African Diaspora Studies
Introduction by Willa Tavernier, Research Impact & Open Scholarship Librarian.
3:55 pm Thanks and dismissal by Karen Farrell, Head of Scholarly Communications.
4:00-6:00 pm Open House Reception featuring digital book displays from OA publishers at IQ Wall and north consultation rooms