Market research from the National Sporting Goods Association; the U.S. Department of Commerce; various sports governing bodies; and full-text articles from various magazines.
Provides searchable news and market research from the National Sporting Goods Association and other industry sources on all aspects of sporting goods, sports equipment, participation, broadcasting and marketing.
Regional, national and international business, financial, banking and industry publications.
Provides access to peer-reviewed business journals, covering all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance, and more. Indexing and abstracts and full text are available back as far as 1886.
Abstracts articles from major professional journals in the fields of communications, mass media studies, journalism, public policy, and speech communication.
ComAbstracts database indexes and abstracts English-language books and articles published in the field human communication studies (mass communication, human interaction, rhetoric, health communication, communication and new media, speech communication, public policy, journalism, communication history, etc.). Among the some 140 periodical titles covered are American Journalism, Communication Review, Electronic Journal of Communication, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Public Opinion Quarterly, and Western Speech.
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