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SPEA V548 Evidence-Based Decision Making

Getting Started

The Libraries subscribe to hundreds of electronic databases and resources to support research and learning. These resources must be accessed through the Libraries website or portals like this guide. Select subject-specific resource lists and examples are available below, or consult the A-Z Databases link for a list of all the databases to which the IUB Libraries subscribe. 

See this video for information on accessing library resources from wherever you happen to be.


If you have questions about the resources or strategies in this guide or need further assistance, contact the Business/SPEA Library or use the chat widget or research consultation link in this guide. 

General Library Resources

   Business/SPEA Citation Guide

Examples of how to cite business information in both MLA and APA citation formats.

  IUB Libraries Website

Use the "Research" tab to find databases by subject/discipline. The Business subject page has a curated list of business databases, or consult the A-Z Database link for a list of all the Indiana University Bloomington subscription databases. These resources must be accessed through the Libraries website or portals like this guide.