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SLHS S307 Cognitive and Communicative Aspects of Aging

Helpful Information

Citation Quick Guides

Indiana University Bloomington and the Campus Writing Program have developed some general guides for quick reference to cite sources. This link provides quick guides for APA, Chicago, and MLA style citations. 
There is also additional information for citing U.S. Government publications and international organization publications.


APA Quick References

APA Style: A Quick Guide
This is an APA style guide for the most citation formats. Examples are from the APA Publication Manual, 7th edition and includes a variety of formats, including how to cite PowerPoint presentations and tweets.


Purdue Online Writing Lab APA Formatting and Style Guide
Quick resource to check formats for in-text citations, footnotes and endnotes, and reference lists.


Citation Management

Meet with your subject librarian to learn how to organize literature. Tools that can be helpful:
  • EndNote is free through IUware (a great tool for getting other programs for free with your IU credentials) or can be purchased by individuals. 
  • Zotero is free to all, with costs for upgraded storage. 
  • Mendeley is another citation tool (basic use is free, but there are also tiered storage plans that cost money, similar to Zotero)
The Scholars' Commons in the Wells Library offers workshops, which feature citation management strategies 

Reference Books for APA Citations