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Journal Articles
Bennett, Andrew K Bennet, Derrick L. Tillman-Kelly, Johari R. Shuck, Jasmine M. Viera, and Bethany J. Wall. “Narratives of Black and Latino Faculty at a Midwestern Research University.” Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana University 41, no. 1(2011): 46-61.
Bennett, Les. “I.U.'s New Assistant Dean of Students for Residential Programs.” Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana 4, no. 2 (1972): 5.
Buckley, Jennifer. “Kate Hevner Mueller: A Retrospective Analysis of a Dean of Women and Exploration of White Women's Gender Identity in the Interwar and World War II Generations.” Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana 34, no. 1 (2005): 26-40.
Burns, Shannon L., Shaun R. Harper, Emily S. Hilderand, and Megan N. Moore. “Behavioral Responses to Hate Crimes: A Student of Asian and Asian Americans on a University Campus.” Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana 29, no. 1 (2000): 64- 80.
Coomer, Sarah E. “A Portrait of the Life and Influences of a College Administrator: Elizabeth A. Greenleaf.” Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana 25, no. 1 (1996): 24- 30.
Hale, Katherine Keuthan, Beth Pfeiffer, and Marianna Savoca. “The Program: A Look Back at Indiana University's CSPA Program Through the Eyes of Recent Alumni.” Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana 24, no. 1 (1995): 1-10.
Harrell, Autumn T., Steve Veldkamp, and Danielle M. DeSawal. “Richard N. McKaig: The Quintessential Dean.” Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana 39, no. 1 (2009): 65-75.
Kish, Kelly, Lauren E. Morrill-Ragusea, and Robin L. Murphey. “Faculty Governance: Challenging the Myths.” Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana 38, no.1 (2008): 23-38.
Montgomery, Phyllis. “An Evaluation of the Indiana University Master's Degree Program in College Student Personnel Administration.” Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana 4, no. 2 (1972): 8-11.
Myers, Burton D. “A Study of Faculty Appointments at Indiana University, 1824-1937.” Indiana Magazine of History 40, no. 2 (1944): 129-155.
Ringer, Fritz K. Trouble in Academe: A Memoir. San Jose, CA: San Jose ToExcel, 1999.