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Bibliography of Indiana University History

Works about Bloomington


Dissertations and Journal Articles

African Studies Association Annual Meeting Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana October 26-29, 1966. (1967). African Studies Bulletin, 10(1), 60-61. 

Brumbaugh, J. (1969). Minutes of the fourth general membership meeting held in Bloomington, Indiana on Tuesday, September 30, 1969. The Mongolia Society Bulletin, 8(1/2 (15)), 1-5. 

Campbell, K. (1990). Networks Past: A 1939 Bloomington Neighborhood. Social Forces, 69 (1), 139-155. 

Craig, Mary B. "Description of Early Bloomington." Indiana Magazine of History 48, no. 4 (1952): 409-12. 

Reger, J., & Staggenborg, S. (2006). Patterns of mobilization in local movement organizations: Leadership and strategy in four national organization for women chapters. Sociological Perspectives, 49(3), 297-323. 

Staggenborg, S. (1998). Social movement communities and cycles of protest: The Emergence and maintenance of a local women's movement. Social Problems, 45(2), 180-204. 

Visher, S. (1956). Changing significance of environmental factors at Bloomington, Indiana. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 46(4), 411-416. 

Wright, H., & Myers, G. (1927). Rana areolata at Bloomington, Indiana. Copeia, (159), 173-175. 

Young, G. (1981). Tornado Watch, Bloomington, Indiana. Poetry, 137(6), 336-336. 



History Of Lawrence And Monroe Counties, Indiana: Their People, Industries And Institutions. Indianapolis, IN: B.F. Bowen & Co., 1914

Krause, Carrol. Showers Brothers Furniture Company: The Shared Fortunes of a Family, a City, and a University. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2012.

Monroe County Historical Society. Monroe County: Everyday Life in Indiana. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2017.

Sanders, S. R. (1993). Staying put: Making a home in a restless world. Boston: Beacon Pres.

Weaver, B. (1990). The college of beer: The story of Nick’s English Hut. Bloomington, IN: Pound Press.