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A Brief Guide to Opinion Polls

International Polls


Angus Reid Institute
"Canada's non-profit foundation committed to indeoendent research."

Arab Barometer

Asian Barometer

Canadian Opinion Research Archive
Founded in 1992, CORA at Queen's University consists of commercial and independent surveys dating back to the 1970s.


Eurobarometer Survey Series
This series, which began 1970, consists of a large set of surveys that measure public opinion in European Union.

European Commission Public Opinion Analysis
"Since 1973, the European Commission has been monitoring the evolution of public opinion in the Member States. . . . Our surveys and studies address major topics concerning European citizenship: enlargement, [the] social situation, health, culture, information technology, environment, the Euro, defense," and more.

European Social Survey

Global Barometer Survey
Systematic comparative survey of attitudes and values toward politics, power, reform, democracy and citizens' political actions in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Arabic region. It is based on a common module of questions contained in regional barometer surveys.

Institut français d'opinion publique
"Premier institut d’enquêtes et de sondages créé en France, l’Ifop est une référence reconnue et leader français dans le domaine des études d’opinion, d’image institutionnelle et corporate et des sondages électoraux."

IRI Public Opinion Polls
The International Republican Institute conducts public opinion polls in many countries around the world with an emphasis on democracy and elections.

Latin American Public Opinion Project
Vanderbilt University presents public opinion surveys that concentrate on democratic values and behaviors in Latin America.


The National Centre for Social Research (U.K.)
Surveys, polls, commentary, and papers on social and political issues in Britain.

Polling the Nations
Access More than 750,000 Original Poll Questions and Results from 18,000+ Surveys Conducted in the U.S. and 100+ Other Countries from 1986 to the Present The print and microfiche counterpart to this resource is titled American Public Opinion Index and contains surveys beginning in 1981.

World Public Opinion Poll - Topic of the United Nations
Covers Diplomacy & International Relations; Political Commentary & Opinion; United Nations; public opinon research on international policy issues.

World Values Survey
"The WVS consists of nationally representative surveys conducted in almost 100 countries which contain almost 90 percent of the world’s population. . . . The WVS is the largest non- commercial, cross-national, time series investigation of human beliefs and values ever executed, currently including interviews with almost 400,000 respondents" Free registration is required to download the data.