IU Bloomington Libraries provides access to the Scopus abstract and citation database for affiliated researchers and administrators.
You can access Scopus using https://libraries.indiana.edu/databases/scopus.
- Abstracts are brief synopses of articles.
- A citation gives credit to a source and contains publication information such as author(s), title, and date. Most Scopus citations link to the full-text version of the publication hosted on various publishers' platforms.
Scopus also provides linked bibliometric and funding data as well as other related information including trademarks, patents, manufacturers, conferences.
Scopus can be used to find relevant research, and access reliable data, metrics, and analytical tools. It is a source-neutral database curated by independent subject matter experts.
Scopus data recognizes that articles are written by authors who have affiliations with institutions.
This relational data model means that Scopus can tell you who is researching what in global literature and where they are doing it.
Scopus data, in addition to data from its related research intelligence platform SciVal, is used in Times Higher Education Rankings and QS World University Rankings - Elsevier Quick Guide to 7 major University Rankings. 
Images and content credits:
Home - Scopus LibGuide - LibGuides at Elsevier
Research Intelligence | Reliable Data and Information | Elsevier
THE Impact Rankings, Scopus and SciVal (elsevier.com)
University Rankings Data: A Closer Look for Research Leaders (elsevier.com)