A KEYWORD expresses a central concept or idea about a topic. When you are using Google, you are keyword searching.
**NOTE: When searching using library resources (databases, IUCAT, etc), you may need to be more selective with keywords.
For a project on the environmental consequences of fracking, keywords may include:
Concept 1: Fracking Fracking, Hydraulic fracking, Natural gas drilling.
Concept 2: Environmental consequences: Environment, Pollution, Global warming, Climate change, Earthquakes.
Be Concise
Begin with only 2-3 terms and avoid long phrases.
If your first term doesn't work, try a synonym or a broader term.
For example currently the term "First Nations" is used to identify the indigenous people of the Americas.
However, many databases or earlier writings may use "Aboriginal", "Native Americans", or "American Indians".
Similarly, you may find historical information about Iran by also searching for "Persia".
Database Search Results Do a quick database search and see what relevant terms appear in your search results. Look in the titles, abstracts, and lists of subject terms provided on most databases. Subject terms are the words/phrases databases use to organize the resources they hold.
Background Research
Do some background research to learn terms and vocabulary often used when discussing that topic.
Background research doesn't have to be scholarly - do a Google search to educate yourself to improve your keywords.