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DePauw Management Accelerator Program (Winter 2019)

This guide will assist in conducting the in-depth research required for the One Click Ventures project.

Industry and Product Background:

Low/No-Cost Marketing Opportunities:

Target Consumers:

General Library Resources

IUB Libraries' Website
Use the "Research Resources" tab to find databases by subject/discipline. The Business subject page has a curated list of business databases, or consult the A-Z Database link for a list of all the Indiana University-Bloomington subscription databases. These resources must be accessed through the Libraries website or portals like this guide. 

IUCAT (online library catalog)
Search for books or journals owned by the IUB Libraries. 

Search across thousands of publications (many will not be retrieved in a Google search!) for background information. Use the Database Search Tips for how to effectively search this resource.

Business/SPEA Citation Guide
Examples of how to cite business information in both MLA and APA citation formats.