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1. First Name Last Name, "Title of Article Using Capitalized Words," Name of Journal in Italics volume number, issue(s) (see below for using "no." before the number) (Month Year): page(s). 1. Mary Rasmussen, “The Case of Flutes in Holbein’s The Ambassadors,” Early Music 23, no. 1 (February 1995): 115. 2. Colin Matthews, “Tempo Relationships in the Adagio of Mahler’s Tenth Symphony; and Two Wrong Notes,” The Musical Times 151, no. 1910 (Spring 2010): 7. |
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Last Name, First. "Title of Article Using Capitalized Words." Name of Journal in Italics volume number (do not use "vol."), issue(s) (see below for using "no." before the number) (Month Year): page(s). Rasmussen, Mary. “The Case of Flutes in Holbein’s The Ambassadors.” Early Music 23, no. 1 (February 1995): 114–23. Matthews, Colin. “Tempo Relationships in the Adagio of Mahler’s Tenth Symphony; and Two Wrong Notes.” The Musical Times 151, nos. 1910-1911 (Spring 2010): 3–8. |
How to cite from RILM from IUCookMusicLibrary on Vimeo.
If your article exists in both print and online, typically one formats the citation in the print article style. However, some professors will want to see an access date, URL, and/or database used. Consider asking your professor if these extra elements should be included in your citations.
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1. David Schulenberg, “Some Problems of Text, Attribution, and Performance in Early Italian Baroque Keyboard Music,” Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music 4, no. 1 (1998), accessed June 29, 2016, http://sscm-jscm.org/v4/no1/schulenberg.html. |
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Schulenberg, David. “Some Problems of Text, Attribution, and Performance in Early Italian Baroque Keyboard Music.” Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music 4, no. 1 (1998). Accessed June 29, 2016. http://sscm-jscm.org/. |