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Open Access Week 2023

Overview of IUB Libraries OA Week 2023 Programming: What, When, Where, How, and Why


Monday, October 23: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

“ORCID, Scholarly Visibility, and Open Access Publishing Support: An Introduction.”

In Person: Wells Library, Learning Commons Classroom W144

Virtual: Zoom Link upon Registering

Led by: Matt Vaughn, Open Publishing Librarian, IUB Libraries, and Adam Mazel, Digital Publishing Librarian, IUB Libraries

Join us to learn how and why to obtain an ORCiD (an often-required persistent identifier that disambiguates you from other researchers so that your research is linked to you and no one else) and how to obtain financial support from IU to publish your scholarship open access.

Snacks and Cold Drinks

Register here.

Tuesday, October 24: 2 – 3 p.m. 

“Open Access Faculty Conversations: Book Publishing"       EVENT CANCELLED

In Person: Wells Library, Hazelbaker Hall (E159)

Virtual: Zoom Link upon Registering

Led by: Karen Farrell, Head, Scholarly Communication, IUB Libraries

Have you published a book OA? Have you avoided publishing a book OA? Would you like to but have concerns? Join a conversation with faculty that will overview Open Access book publishing and address concerns and questions.

Snacks and Cold Drinks

Wednesday, October 25: 10 – 11 a.m.

“Open Access Faculty Conversations: Article Publishing"             EVENT CANCELLED

In Person: Institute for Advanced Study, 624 East Third Street

Virtual: Zoom Link upon Registering

Led by: Karen Farrell, Head, Scholarly Communication, IUB Libraries

Have you published an article OA? Have you avoided publishing an article OA? Would you like to but have concerns? Join a conversation with faculty that will overview OA article publishing and address concerns and questions.

Register here.

Thursday, October 26: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

“The Nelson Memo: Public Access to Research and What This Means for Researchers.”

In Person: Wells Library, Hazelbaker Hall (E159)

Virtual: Zoom Link upon Registering

Led by: Willa Tavernier, Research Impact & Open Scholarship Librarian, IUB Libraries, and Ethan Fridmanski, Data Services Librarian, IUB Libraries

Join us to learn the implications on your work of and get answers about the “Nelson Memo”: the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy's 2022 memorandum, Ensuring Free Immediate & Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research, which states that federally funded peer-reviewed scholarly publications and their data must be deposited in public access repositories upon publication.

Bagels and Coffee

Register here.

Friday, October 27: 1 – 2 p.m. 

OA Week Keynote: “Taking and Giving Back? Open Access, Generative AI, and the Transformation of Scholarly Communication”

In Person: Wells Library, Hazelbaker Hall (E159)

Virtual: Zoom Link upon Registering

Keynote Speaker: Lucy Lu Wang, Assistant Professor at the University of Washington Information School and a Visiting Scientist at the Allen Institute for AI

For keynote description and speaker bio, please see the Keynote page.

Register here.

Friday, October 27: 2:15 – 3:15 p.m.

OA Week Keynote: “Open and Accessible: Towards New Models for Scientific Publishing”

In Person: Wells Library, Hazelbaker Hall (E159)

Virtual: Zoom Link upon Registering

Keynote Speaker: Shella Keilholz, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Tech and Emory University 

For keynote description and speaker bio, please see the Keynote page.

Register here.

Friday, October 27, 3:30 – 5:15 p.m.

Open Access Week Reception and Celebration

Wells Library, E174

Celebrate Open Access Week with food, drink, and fun conversations!

Food and Drinks

Register here.