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Fashion and Sustainability

This guide offers users an introduction to the intersection of fashion and sustainability through various resources: books, articles, videos, podcasts, etc.

Spotlight: Circular Fashion

What is Circular Fashion?

Circular fashion is a system where our clothing and personal belongings are produced through a more considered model: where the production of an item and the end of its life are equally as important. This system considers materials and production thoughtfully, emphasizing the value of utilizing a product right to the end, then going one step further and repurposing it into something else. The focus is on the longevity and life cycle of our possessions, including designing out waste and pollution. Essentially, the “circular” comes as a response to previous economic and societal models that have been “linear” to date, and harmful on the planet along the way (Hill 2022).

Key Actions Consumers Can Take:

  • Know more about the brands you from
  • Support more sustainable and ethical fashion brands
  • Live by the five r’s of fashion: reduce, rewear, recycle, repair, resell.
  • Buy less and when you do, buy from better brands
  • Flip items in your wardrobe before buying new
  • Shop second-hand when possible
  • Consider renting for your next event
  • Host and attend clothes swaps
  • Take good care of the clothes you already have
  • Question “What are the alternatives?” before throwing away used clothing
  • Utilise in store recycling programs
  • Choose more sustainable materials when purchasing new clothing
  • Talk to people about the benefits of circular fashion
  • Learn the impact your clothing has on the planet and the importance of where your clothes are made, who made them, and what they are made of
  • Make a commitment to not buy brands who don’t strive to sit within the circular model

Read more in the article "What Is Circular Fashion?" by Madeleine Hill

Circular Fashion Companies



Circular Economy - Fashion and Behaviour | Mike Dongelmans | TEDxBergen

Meet the Circular Design Pioneers Reinventing the Future of Fashion

How Can Fashion Become Truly Circular? | BoF VOICES 2021